Orange County NC Website
avvaovEo <br />s <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Greene Tract Work Group <br />does hereby recommentl tp the governing boaMS of Orange County antl the <br />Towns of Cerrbom antl Chapel Hill that each board atlppta resolution affirming <br />solely the three public purposes of open space, affortlable housing (as tlafned in <br />[he Affordable Housing Task Farce repotl), and recreatbn as the three basic <br />uses to be programmetl far the 109 acres of the Greene Trect that remain in joint <br />ownership; end <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Greene Tract Work Group does hereby <br />recommend to the governing boartls of Orange County antl [ha Towns of <br />Carrboro and Chapel Hill that in aihrming those basic uses, each boartl charge <br />the Work Grbupm develop a more tletailetl written antl gmphlc concept plan for <br />the use of the 109 acres for presentation to each board by March 2002. <br />This, the 19th day of November, 2901. <br />Moses Carey, Jr. <br />Chair <br />