Orange County NC Website
APPROVED <br />GREENE TRACT WORK GROUP <br />A RESOLUTION REGARDING RECOMMENDED USES OF THE 109 ACRES <br />OF THE GREENE TRACT THAT REMAIN IN JOINT OW NERSHIP <br />WHEREAS, Orange Couny and the Towns of Canboro and Chapel Hill acquiretl <br />the 169 acre properly known as the Greene Tract In 1964 as an asset oEthe joint <br />solid waste management system; end <br />WHEREAS, gge to 80 acres of this property was tleetletl exclbsively [o Orange <br />County in 2000 under provisions of the iBB9 intedocal "Agreement far Solitl <br />Waste Management"; antl <br />WHEREAS, untlerthe same intatlocal agreement the County antl Towns egreetl <br />to bargain in good faith tludng the two year period following the effective tlale of <br />the agreement to tletermina the ultimate use or disposition of the remaining 109 <br />acres of the Greene Trad; antl <br />WHEREAS, the end date of the "bargaining period" as tlegned in [he agreement <br />is April 1 ], 2002, the secontl anniversary of the date upon which the County <br />assumed overall responsibilRy for scud waste management in Orange County; <br />antl <br />WHEREAS, the governing boards of all three jurisdictions adopted similar <br />resolutions during sprang end summer 2001 Indicating theirwillingnass to <br />consitler open space, affoNable housing, school sites, and other non-solid waste <br />public puryoses, as possible general uses of the Greene Tract; and <br />WHEREAS, the Greene Tmc[ Wark Group, comprisetl of Iwo elecietl <br />representatives of each governing boartl met hvice In October 2001 antl <br />conducted a facilitatetl public forum on November 15, 2001 to hears tlialogue <br />among interested citizens regartling proposed basic uses of the Greene Tract: <br />antl <br />WHEREAS, most people who spoke et the public foram indicated a preference <br />that the Greene Tract be used solely for the public puryoses of open space, <br />affordable housing, and/or recreation in some combination of uses; antl <br />WHEREAS, the Greene Trect W ork Grcup has consitleretl those comments from <br />interestetl parties as well as other suggested uses of the property as eummarizetl <br />in the adachetl comments rewrdetl by the facllita[ors, woB group members, and <br />staff; <br />