Agenda - 11-18-2003-9b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-18-2003
Agenda - 11-18-2003-9b
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DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH <br />OFFICE OF PUBLIC HI' ALTH PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE <br />AG:ItEEMENT ADDENDA <br />• Detect a terrorist event through ap;~ropriate participation in a highly functioning, mandatory reportable <br />disease surveillance system, as evidenced by ongoing timely and complete reporting by providers and <br />laboratories in the jurisdiction, especially of illnesses and conditions possibly resulting from <br />bioterrorism, other infectious dises~se outbreaks, and other public health threats and emergencies <br />• Effectively investigate and respozvi to a potential terrorist event as evidenced by a comprehensive and <br />annually exercised epidemiologic investigation plan that addresses interviews, laboratory information, <br />identification of exposures, identification of contacts, quarantine and isolation as required. <br />• Provide needed health/risk information to the public and key partners prior to and during a terrorism <br />event by establishing critical baseline information 6bout the current communication needs and barriers <br />within individual communities, and identifying effective channels of communication for reaching the <br />general public and special populations during public health threats and emergencies. <br />• Ensure the delivery of appropriate education and training to key public health professionals, infectious <br />disease specialists, emergency deF~artment personnel, and other healthcare providers (including mental <br />health care) in preparedness for ez~d response to bioterrorism, as well as, other infectious disease <br />outbreaks, and other public health threats and emergencies. And, in the delivery of appropriate <br />education and training, where pos;-bie, use existing curricula and other sources, including Centers for <br />Public Health Preparedness, other schools of public health, schools of medicine, academic health <br />centers, CDC training networks, and other providers. <br />Ensure participation of the Department or District's public health workforce in the online Workforce <br />Development System competency assessment and training referral modules. At a minimum, 75% of <br />full time employees will have completed the online assessment by the and of the grant period. <br />Method of Accountability: <br />Local (County) Health Departments will establish and maintain a method of reporting monthly fiscal <br />expenditures and program/project activities. These reports are to be made available to the State's <br />Bioterrorism Coordinator quarterly or, upon reasonable request. <br />Isd Budget: <br />The itemized budget for the new t ;'DC Bioterrorism Grant Year 04 which began August 31, 2003 <br />(listed on budget estimate as Fun~d/RCC/FRCs 1561-2680, 2681, 2687-ET'} i~ to he l~ud¢eted fora 12 <br />month service and vavment oeriai- thsougl},.,~g<~ 30.2004. <br />Funding for the activities suthori~xd under this Amendment may occur in both NC State Fiscal Years <br />2203-2004 and 2004-2005. Budget breakdowns for each fiscal year are attached and incorporated <br />herein by reference. Deparhnen~~a should ensure that adequate funds are reserved to maintafn <br />any ongoing actlvitiea throngh I:he first two math: of SFY 04-OS. Notification of any reallocation <br />of budgeted amounts should be submitted to Dr. James Kirkpatrick, Bioterrorism Coordinator, Office <br />of Public Health Preparedness ami Response. <br />Page - of_ <br />County Health for Signature and Date ` ~~ <br />
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