Orange County NC Website
DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH <br />OFFICE OF PUBLIC HEALTH PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE <br />AGREEMENT ADDENDA <br />Orange Count~~ Health Department <br />Contractor Name <br />Activity #4518 Bioterrorism -Strategic National Stockpile <br />Activity Number and Title <br />Epidemiology <br />Section <br />Public Health Preparedness and Response <br />Branc <br />SFI' - 04 <br />ear <br />August 31, 2003 -August 30, 2004 <br />Effective Period (Beginning and Ending Date) <br />Orin ,~: _ _ <br />Revision # Date <br />As a major component of the State's B.egional Public Health Preparedness and Response for Bioterrorism <br />efforts, all I~TOrth Carolina counties arni host health departments are required by the State to develop and <br />maintain a Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) Plan, and as such, under this Agreement Addenda, are <br />authorized to administer funds in support of local!county SNS plans. <br />These funds are made available to Local (County) Health Departments and Multi County Districts to assist <br />counties in continuing to develop and strengthen local public health SNS infrastructure and capacity, and to <br />effectively respond to a possible bioterrorism event. Specifically, under our Continuation Guidance from <br />the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), these funds will be used to develop county SNS <br />plans, identify SNS distribution and dispensing sites, exercise and evaluate county SNS plans and to recruit <br />volunteers to man and support local S NS specific activities. The total amount funded under this Agreement <br />Addenda is $462, 610. <br />Method of Accountability: <br />• Local (County) Health Departme:~ts will establish and maintain a method of'reporting monthly fiscal <br />expenditures and SNS program~project activities. These reports are to be made available to the State's <br />SNS Manager or Bioterrorism Coordinator quarterly or, upon reasonable request. <br />Itemized Bud_et: <br />• The itemized budget for the new CDC Bioterrorism Grant fear 04 which began August 31, 2003 <br />(listed on budget estimate as Fund/RCC/FRC: 1562-2688-ET) is to be budgeted fora 12 month <br />service and payment veriod, throe fah August 30, 2004. <br />• Funding for the activities authori:~ed under this Amendment may occur in bath NC State Fiscal Years <br />2203-2004 and 2004-2005. Budl;et breakdowns for each fiscal year are attached and incorporated <br />herein by reference. Departments should ensure that adequate funds are reserved to maintain <br />any ongoing activities through the first t~~~o months of SFY 04-05. Notification of any reallocation <br />of budgeted amounts should be s ~btnitted to Dr. James Kirkpatrick, Bioterrorism Coordinator, Office <br />of Public Health Preparedness and Response. <br />Page _ of - ~ ti-; i'~i.~'~ti ~ •~~ l' "1Li`L J "/ ) 2 /~? <br />~ ~ <br />~ r' <br />County Hea ,`, Director Signature and D to <br />~0 <br />