Orange County NC Website
Page 5 of 9 <br />Revised July 2019 <br />i. Conduct necessary contact tracing including contact elicitation/identification, contact notification, and contact follow-up. Activities could include traditional contact tracing and/or proximity/location-based methods, as well as methods adapted for healthcare-specific and congregate settings. <br />ii. Utilize tools (e.g., geographic information systems and methods) that assist in the rapid mapping and tracking of disease cases for timely and effective epidemic monitoring and response, incorporating laboratory testing results and other data sources. <br />iii. Identify cases and exposure to COVID-19 in high-risk settings or within vulnerable populations to target mitigation strategies. <br />1) Assess and monitor infections in healthcare workers across the healthcare spectrum. <br />2) Monitor cases and exposure to COVID-19 to identify need for targeted mitigation strategies to isolate and prevent further spread within high-risk healthcare facilities (e.g., hospitals, dialysis clinics, cancer clinics, nursing homes, and other long-term care facilities, etc.). <br />3) Monitor cases and exposure to COVID-19 to identify need for targeted mitigation strategies to isolate and prevent further spread within high-risk employment settings (e.g., meat processing facilities), and congregate living settings (e.g., prisons, youth homes, shelters, farms). <br />4) Work with NC DHHS to build local capacity for reporting, rapid containment and prevention of COVID- 19/SARS-CoV-2 within high-risk settings or in vulnerable populations that reside in their communities. <br />b. Implement prevention strategies in high-risk settings or within vulnerable populations <br />(including tribal nations) including proactive monitoring for asymptomatic case <br />detection. <br />i. Build capacity for infection prevention and control in LTCFs (e.g., at least one Infection Preventionist (IP) for every facility) and outpatient settings. <br />1) Build capacity to safely house and isolate infected and exposed residents of LTCFs and other congregate settings. <br />ii. Assist with enrollment of all LTCFs into CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN). <br />iii. Increase Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) assessment capacity onsite using Infection Prevention and Control Assessment Tool (Tele-ICAR). <br />iv. Perform preparedness assessment to assure interventions are in place to protect high-risk populations. <br />1) Coordinate as appropriate with federally funded entities responsible for providing health services to vulnerable populations (e.g., tribal nations and federally qualified health centers) <br />6. Coordinate and Engage with Partners <br />a. Partner with NC DHHS to establish or enhance testing for COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2. <br />i. Acquire equipment and staffing to conduct testing for COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2. <br />ii. Support community partners to conduct appropriate specimen collection and/or testing within their service area. <br />iii. Build infection prevention and control and healthcare outbreak response expertise in LHDs. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 2695E0C0-30FB-4AF9-8AAD-38BDC8738C11