2020-938-E Emergency Svc-New Hope Fire Dept Fire Protection and Emergency Services Agreement 2020
Board of County Commissioners
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2020-938-E Emergency Svc-New Hope Fire Dept Fire Protection and Emergency Services Agreement 2020
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5 <br /> <br />appropriately remedied within ninety (90) days after such notification the County may <br />withhold special district tax revenues until such time as the Fire Department meets all <br />minimum legal requirements of Chapter 55A of the General Statutes of North Carolina <br />and/or until such time as the Fire Department’s tax-exempt status is restored. <br /> <br />15. In the event the Fire Department dissolves then the Fire Department shall deliver, <br />release, and convey to the County all its equipment, cash, or other assets to be used <br />by the County exclusively for the provision of fire protection services, rescue services, <br />or Medical Responder services within the District. Any such dissolution shall comply <br />with applicable laws of North Carolina. If Fire Department ceases to provide either fire <br />protection services, rescue services, or Medical Responder services within the District <br />Fire Department shall deliver, release, and convey to County all of its equipment, cash, <br />or other assets used for those specific services the Fire Department has ceased to <br />provide, to be used by the County exclusively for the provision of fire protection <br />services, rescues services, or Medical Responder services within the District. Should <br />the terms of this paragraph conflict with Fire Department’s Articles of Incorporation the <br />Articles of Incorporation shall control. <br /> <br />16. The Fire Department agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the County from and <br />against any and all liability and expenses including attorney fees, court costs and other <br />costs incurred by the County caused by any act or omission of the Fire Department, <br />its agents and employees. The Department shall purchase and maintain, during the <br />term of this Agreement, and any extension hereof, at least the following insurance <br />coverage: <br /> <br />A. Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance with combined single limits <br />of at least one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence. Coverage shall <br />be provided under a symbol “1”. Coverage shall apply, on an excess basis <br />for hired, borrowed and non-owned vehicles. Coverage shall apply, on a <br />primary basis, for commandeered vehicles. Volunteers or employees shall <br />be considered insureds and volunteers and employees shall have coverage <br />in excess of their personal auto liability limits when they are using their <br />vehicles on behalf of the Fire Department. Fellow member liability shall be <br />provided. Auto pollution liability shall be included in the coverage. <br /> <br />B. Auto physical damage shall be provided on an agreed value basis. <br />Coverage shall be included for hire, borrowed or commandeered vehicles <br />without a limit of liability. Coverage shall be provided to bring replacement <br />vehicle up to the most current national standards, such as NFPA or DOT. <br /> <br />C. Comprehensive General Liability Insurance with limits of at least one million <br />dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence and two million dollars ($2,000,000) <br />aggregate. The aggregate shall apply per named insured and per insured <br />location. The policy shall include the following coverage: Volunteers or <br />employees as insureds, Medical Malpractice, Good Samaritan Liability <br />Coverage, Intentional Acts Coverage for both bodily injury and or property <br />damage, Fellow Member Liability, Non-owned Watercraft, Fire Damage <br />Legal Liability with limits of one million dollars ($1,000,000), Pollution <br />Liability arising out of emergency operations, training activities or equipment <br />wash downs. <br /> <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 059224B9-3A8E-42B2-8101-7DCDDD5ADBDD
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