Orange County NC Website
3 <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />urrn,rA~.T ~~vvTr~c TRANSPORTATION ^'~^~rcnvv SERVICES BOARD <br />Operational by-Laws <br />Article I-NAME <br />The name of the board established by the Orange County Commissioners is the Orange <br />County u,,,..,^^ r°~~~^°~ Transportation ~e~} Services Board (TSB). <br />ARTICLE II-POWERS AND DUTIES <br />The Transportation ~~'~ervices Board shall be responsible for the following <br />duties: <br />(1) Serve as a liaison between the residents of Orange County and the County <br />Government concerning transportation service issues. <br />(2) Serve as the advisory body to the T'°„°~*m°„+ °„ A ^~„R ~°'°^a <br />~ ° <br />~. Orange Pul-lic Transportation (OPT). <br />(3) Recommend policy to the Board of County Commissioners, particularly with <br />respect to a compreher..sive, coordinated, cost effective approach to the delivery <br />of transportation services for human services agencies. <br />(4) Work to stimulate and promote needed transportation services and programs for <br />Orange County residents. <br />(5) Assist public and volwrtary agencies in providing transportation services to their <br />clients. <br />~) Assist in developing acid updating the Orange County~i~pe~tien <br />Community Transportation Improvement Plan <br />f CTIP). <br />(7) Perform other functions and duties from time to time as requested and prescribed <br />by the Board of County Commissioners. <br />