Orange County NC Website
10 <br />Five members who are residents of Orange County shall be chosen at large by the Orange <br />County Board of Commission~;rs with priority given to those in rural areas and <br />experienced in the following fields: Private transit operation, Business, Faith and <br />disability communities, Child ~~are providers and Health care providers. <br />The two remaining liaison members shall be chosen by the Board of County <br />Commissioners. One of these members may be a County Commissioner and the other <br />maybe from the County Manager's office. <br />Page 3: (page 5 of abstract) <br />Article III-Agency Appointments and Alternates: #5. Organization Representatives: <br />Representatives of the followi~ig four organizations shall be designated by the Director or <br />Executive Director of these organizations. These are non-voting representatives who are <br />not required to be residents of Orange County. <br />(1) Chapel Hill Transit <br />(2) Durham Technical Community College <br />(3) Employment Security Commission <br />(4) Triangle Transit Authority (TTA) <br />Page 4: (page 6 of abstract) <br />Article IV-Regular Meetings # 1 Dates and Locations: Remove the months that the <br />regular meetings are to occur. This action is to better coincide with NCDOT actions and <br />Orange County actions. <br />Article IV -Quorum - #2 A majority of the voting members of the Board then in office <br />shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business for any meeting of the Board. <br />FN:H/Boards/Trans/By-Laws/rabbylaw.030506 rationale for revision <br />