Orange County NC Website
REZONING PROCESS <br />aJ The amended district acreage shall not be increased in ails by more than <br />10%of Ne existing parcel(sJ. The use shall he the same primary use as <br />listed In the ExisSng Commerdal - V (EC-5) inventory when the dlsVlct was <br />cdglnally createtl. <br />• This applican'on includes 10%increase in sire over(ne mginal disMCt <br />• warming stamrarommamds thamrly the orgmau.osapresrnaf was <br />lost due ro NCDOT taking be retuned ro ECS <br />. ma existing use was a gee aenma sraran. <br />b) The new dlsMCt sball be contiguous to the exlstlng tlistrlM. <br />• The new tlisW'ct is contiguous to the existing disMCf. <br />c) Land not rezoned or nU inclutletl within [he new Dadtioned distrlU shall be <br />pe0gcnetl. by the owner(s), W be reWmetl to the zoning GassiRceticn of the <br />surtounding lantl. In the event there is more tnan one atljarent zoning <br />disNU, the traU shall be reWmetl W We lowest use category of Ne <br />surtounding adjacent Dropetty provkletl a nonconforming situation le not <br />creetetl on Pe subjeU or adjacent parwls. <br />• Aportion ofrhepreviousEGSlandu now ngAt-of-wpy <br />• This request isbre-establish the amount olpmperty (plus l0%)thet <br />was acquired 6y NCDOi <br />d) Additional property etltletl tq en existing parcel shall be remmbined by deetl <br />Into one zoning lot prior W Issuanw of zoning or building permits. <br />• The property added to the existingpamel will be recombinetlOy tleetl <br />Into one mning laf pnorto issuenre ofzoning arbuiWing permts. <br />e) Conformanm with the Comprahenalve Plan shall not be mantlafwy wfien <br />considering arezoning/relowlion of an EG5 Dlstnct, bW shall be eveluatetl. <br />• The pmpertyis in an area desgnatetl es Agdcutturel Resitlentiel. <br />There are no homes on the prgoerly. The upper Eno and Watershetl <br />CrttkrelArea sets Impervious area standards (B%) to be met with We <br />proposed zoning and use. <br />f) Pa mntlemnatlon results in less than aequalamount ofDroperty being <br />+aken for public tlghtof-way than is apecifed In the Orange County <br />CompreheneNa Plan (Transportation ElemenQ fortypical right of way <br />tletlicatipn, Nen this section shall nM be used. <br />• More right-o(-way was taken Dy NCOOTfhan was recommended in Me <br />Orange County Subdiviabn Regula(bms which re/erences Me matl <br />Uassification ql Mt. 4Nlling Rosd es designated in Me Comprehensive <br />wam. <br /> <br />