Agenda - 11-26-2001-c1
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-26-2001
Agenda - 11-26-2001-c1
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8/29/2008 10:35:45 AM
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Ofl5 <br />Rezoning Request far Andrew Brn Lloyd, Ir. <br />Ocmber 1, 2001 <br />Page 2 <br />o¢ Lune 1, 2001 he received a lettm explamivg tM mitmia aPmifid under "Rezoning <br />Rocess aM BWldivg Permit Process" in Section 4.2.12c ofthe Zvwng ordinance. <br />By foWwivg the RPIONINC. PROCESS as o,kimd by Section 4.2.1X, Mr. Lloyd is <br />requesting thvt the exutmg Ivt slum as 0.98 AC (TM 3.45..8).be raombinaf w¢h <br />mmiguaus lands that he awvsto the cast (TM 3.45..18C @ TM 3.34..8C) to ivmrpomte <br />his original EC-5 m¢ivg overlay dze oft B) eras. The current EC-5 area (0.98 acres) u <br />requemedm he increased by the area that 1?lCDOT took (1.09 acres), Plan the 10°/ (0.21 <br />ecresJoftbe original EC-Sdutriel(2.0'/acres)az allowed by said pmc dare, This <br />addiaorel mnmg area of 1.30 acres (1.09 acres plus 0.21 euea) would result m a new <br />recombind size of2.28 acres. The dlvtce ofthe acombinedpmpmy, 0.63 aces rmt <br />rezoned will remvu coned az agicultme residentul. <br />Pmmam to the RElANINO PROCESS mm~tioued above, a) the amended district <br />ameage is cot inereazd i¢size by more 0u¢ 10°/ ofthe odgimJ district. ]fie use as a <br />ca staivv wal bathe same prWimy bse as limed inthe EGS invrnmry whe¢thc <br />disleiet wa3origmally meetad; b) the nev dis[riet ffi aamigmua m the axisfvg disldch e) <br />the land vvtremnedwill be retumedto the coning clasaiBcatiov ofagricul[ure <br />residential; d) the addkwrul pmpmTy added b ebe ezinirig Pamelwill be rccombived by <br />decd into om coning btprior m issuance ofzovi¢gm buildmg permits; n the <br />candmmazionresuked wmore property mken by NCDOT thenwhat was left remaining, <br />bares ttissecfwn Will be ose3 <br />m eddr~aivg the BIID.DING PERMIT PROCESS m outlived by Sediov 4.2.12.c, Mr. <br />Loyd will be altering m all ofthe Rilowi¢g rego'vemcNS; g) all hvpervbus wmershed <br />kmitatwvs will be met; h) a twenty (20) foot width landscape buffet wBl be estabEshd <br />along the rightof-waY. Desig¢cdtmh willmcet mvvnercial ma¢dards;D access peims <br />wJl be limhd m two locations with a vnximmv of26 Eat width each and a ma~dmum <br />30-degree radius. DrivewaYPermit applicatw¢ will be submitted (NCDGT bas made <br />agreamems with Mr. Lbyd for accesspoime m the pmpeny); k) fieastirding momsmmt <br />sigva wID be limited ro sE (~ Rot heighe and fifty (50) square Ect maximum Ody rle <br />portion ofa sign Wr fiel pricing will be wterrelly illuminated; l) all cuvem <br />Envkamvmml HeelNregulatipnawill bemet; m) all atMrappRcable developmev[ <br />akmie ouch az parking ligh[mg loading/uvloadmg mews, buffers, etc. will be adhered fo. <br />This slues[ u accompanied by the regaked sppiicazion, Res aM a survey pim rBat <br />reflects the origirul tract, lards lamm NCDOT emitbe new lot This sm~cy u bead on <br />recorded ivfermation erd amveye supplied by Mr. Lloyd and NCDOT. Thu isa <br />cetriposim survey Er the pugavse oftM1is requem for remving aM u withoutbencRt ofNe <br />foul field muvey. ilpan approval oftlus requem by Omnge Coumy Plamivg <br />
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