Orange County NC Website
Rezoning Request <br />For <br />AvMew Hm Lloyd, h. <br />TM 3.45..8 <br />October 1, 2001 <br />The subjem propttty lies w Ch«ks Township, lhwge CPmty at the southmat <br />'M--secebn oflvmrstate 85 and Mows Willing Road. 9aidproperty is cammtly show « <br />TM 3.45..8, PIN 9854-OS-Ol16 and is currmtlymved az EdrtLtg Commercial(ECS) per <br />Orange Cowry Tax Records. This lot ualeo shown on Ormge COwty Tax Aecords as <br />umntlybemg 0.98 acre w sim a~ bowdN onthc votM by Interstate 85 wd by laude <br />owned by Avdmw Ben Lbyd, Jr. (TM 3.45..BC), ov Me.vert by Mamt Willing Aoad, on <br />tM eowb by Wert Tm ROad and m the easi by lands owmd by Aadrow Ben Lloyd, Jr. <br />(TM 3.45..18C). <br />ILie properrywps deeded to Mr. Lbyd by his father on February 25,1963 (see DB <br />191/359, mt DB301/584 a9 slwwn by OC to maps) and was ongindly 2.1 acres i¢ sae. <br />Mr. Lloyd latmjeircd ebis vnet M motLer existing trwi on the eart side which he elm <br />purchased firm ]ds father on Septmaha 9,1969 (a BB 263/146) that was 0.32 acres iv <br />sun. 8«anazhmenrs to rhia reyuese for copies of Me above mevtivrcddeeds. TogeMec <br />bosh tracts recombined arc 2.42 veres total, before NCUOT sv~dened the riglll ofways of <br />Irnerstate 85, Mt Willing Rood and Wext Tm ROatl M the present widW_ <br />Mr. Lloyd's commercial gas statbv, which he awned aM opmoted smnivg b 1965, was <br />Mm kesci M TewxP Oil Co m 1969 fir 20 yeah. In 1989, while Mr. Lloyd was M Me <br />pmcessofsemodeling Me existing rtmemre, Le was Mw wnrac[ed by NCDOT about <br />pWsm widenI~5to 61anes. AltheugLLe hadpermits and approval[o proceW with <br />the rmmdelivg, Le JecidN to wait wW NCDOT showM him a survey ofthe location of <br />the new R/W. in 1991 NCDOT w[ifi~ Limthat rltey had chaogedplvns from 61mes fo <br />8 bras and May were inihe process nfcPMemving Lia be This resWtW ivocivil ectiav <br />M Supttior Corot (s« 93-CVS-1086). Ilia civil actwn was seplN out ofcoart last year. <br />TLe lsoperrycurreaBy has w existing building Mat Na. Lloyd woWd Iike m rwrove aM <br />P~M1 anew building b its Plaza Per a Mtwe site Plam <br />After NCDOT widen the right ofxays, the subject ofaccess was negotiated for quite <br />me time. At lust NCDOT adversely limhetl Me access of this bt M oNythe south side <br />fronting on Wee Ten ROed. Afla rcgotiatiovs, boMp~rties ageed thazthia lot mold <br />also be accessed from ML Willing Road, provided thaz NCDOT approves the driveway <br />permit. See enachrarmsm Mis rcques[for coPks ofthe about mentioned agreement. <br />It has always been Mr. Lloyd's m[mt foriMs Pact b remain commucialad he Las <br />gvestbved SMe land mkm by NCDOT was removed from Me original nereage tuned <br />E^-5. Mr. Lbyd cogtacMd Ormge Cnwry Plamivg Department wiM this question and <br />