Orange County NC Website
..~~e°... ion i¢rl.y,~Attorney at Law, Hallsbo~gh~'~. y'r~ ~ ~ ~ <br />x°a.n e.x°..n.. <xn„...°exr, ,. 0- 842[ <br />r s¢aeu. x.oe.n°e.nxe°~x,o.w. ,xe 9th ... °. September u69 .er.x°.r,wer.. <br />Andrev 9. Lloyd, $, av3 viYe, Julia M. Lloyd, <br />Awlrev B.FL1oyd~Jr. - <br />.°x.~r..ncvuncr °ewm.c° nno wuowa.xaunx°ein •M°LReek¢ °„p •X6 x•1° r.°w„exm °a.xce wvmmx, n°mx cnn°e.... <br />:'4:OPRIi!IG at an iron ataka iv :he South Property line oI tha old pseansborc Arad (YOlmer~v <br />.1t. Willing Road) v ramp to Interstats Highvay No. 85, :aid FoiLt being the <br />Northeast correr oY a ¢er°-ee star±on lot nou ar formerly arced by A, b. Lloyd Ji., said <br />nolnt a+,andLng Ncrth 89° 16~ Baat_llO.P Paek fi:om S 6igtneaA movul4evt :var4ing the lntcraeetll <br />of Buck6orn xnd-BflendEOad and tha Ivpo to aforesaid .+ighv;y Nv. 8$, rum~ing thence Ram <br />ssld begin~:ng point alovg a~ Hth the old GreArvsbor¢ Road North 89° 16~ East 30.08 Pest <br />to s ¢taka, a n or er with A. B. Lloyd, 9x., thence slang a ew 11ne South 3° 30~ West <br />LtiS.oP .eat to an iron stake another e•. than a a1 ana with <br />South BO° $0 Weat 30a- Paet tv m iron stakeerthe Soatheaatgco her oP the bave aescrihed <br />a ~ e statlvv lnt, thsnee clong antl xtith tlw Bait 1i~¢ oP ualdrlot North 3° 30~ Fast <br />Lo5~9$ feet to the Fvint or place of beginri~, ontaining 13,9$4.0$ squaca feet, <br />s.•nre or J.~-m,` SealEa;P= <br />~!!/P~QLINA i la'. LlLI'i2 Ii K <br />° w Yl' _ lual Q Q. CU <br />c T ~ <br />!~E T1°o~v -E3 "a°°'^= x^~.x-,,, nna xceeunJUlia„iSx L1eYd) 1e <br />arnre oc raonrx unoux. w.,.,... GHi`IGd <br />ALna Mdrmr <br />N4i ~~c Mdre ^*nar.e.xe °r.u°e°urv,r.mxenear c.nnsr.~ <br />M .Lloyd, S:. anc wi!e, Julia M.~Lloyd, <br />u+r¢cawn. nc - .ex .........................x,......°n~..,„.Sow,.°..°.~e 5°°et~te...e.,~°n °°a <br />w..x.„x.x.wo.x°,.°,.x,.c,e„~.x~. :,.. 12t/Ad_~°~/I d~teA .,.65 <br />