Orange County NC Website
EXHIBIT A <br /> <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES FOR NCHFA <br />2020 ESSENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY REHABILITATION PROGRAM <br />ORANGE COUNTY/TRIANGLE J COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS <br /> <br />The following will outline in detail the services to be provided by Triangle J Council of Governments, <br />Administration Consultant, (hereinafter called "the Consultant"). <br />1. Establish and maintain a filing system in accordance with the North Carolina Housing Finance <br />Agency (NCHFA). Consultant will accept applications for assistance and maintain documentation <br />including income and homeownership verification. The Consultant will maintain and organize <br />the case file for all applicants selected, through close out and unit completion of each unit. <br /> <br />2. Consultant is responsible for preparation of all requisitions, disbursement documentation, and <br />preliminary approval of disbursements. Signatory forms, account information for electronic <br />deposit, fiscal audits and the provision of honesty and fidelity bonding as required in the Post <br />Approval Documentation will be provided by Orange County. Orange County will approve and <br />sign all requisitions and disbursement checks. All posting of checks will be performed by Orange <br />County. <br /> <br />3. Orange County will prepare general policy documents to be adopted by the governing Board, to <br />insure compliance with all aspects of NCHFA. This includes, but is not limited to: Grant Project <br />Ordinance, Assistance Policy and Procurement and Disbursement Policy. <br /> <br />4. Consultant will work with NCHFA to provide adequate information for title work, preparation of <br />closing documents to facilitate closing for each applicant. Consultant will work with applicants to <br />execute closing documents and submit to Orange County Register of Deeds for recording, <br /> <br />5. Consultant will coordinate with all third-party professional contracts for the implementation of <br />the project and provide assistance as needed. <br /> <br />6. Orange County’s Department of Housing and Community Development will provide existing <br />waitlist of potential applicants that have been preliminarily screened for income and special <br />need eligibility. The Consultant will be responsible for publicizing the funding opportunity and <br />reviewing applications on a rolling basis, as outlined within the NCHFA Assistance policy. The <br />Consultant will work with the County’s Rehabilitation Specialist to determine if the home is <br />suitable for the NCHFA Essential Single Family Rehab Loan Program (ESFRLP). The Consultant will <br />meet with potential applicants and verify eligibility. Upon household and unit eligibility <br />verification, the Consultant will prepare, at minimum, the following information for each unit: <br />the Environmental Screening, the Post-Rehabilitation Property Value Certification and <br />Homeowner Written Agreement and submit to NCHFA with the ESFRLP Loan Application and <br />Reservation Request. If any of these units are 50 years old or older the Historical Evaluation <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: A11CF5A5-9E0D-4D63-AD4F-1119DA11AC9E