Orange County NC Website
Request Form will be submitted to State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) with the response <br />from SHPO. <br /> <br />7. Prior to preparing the work write-up an inspection will be made to identify either local minimum <br />housing code or Essential Property Standards violations, utilizing the Essential Property <br />standards Certification Checklist. The County’s Rehabilitation Specialist must also prepare <br />detailed work write-up and itemized estimate of the cost of the proposed improvements, secure <br />competitive bids, award contract, hold pre-construction meeting, and maintain individual case <br />files with all documents required by NCHFA. <br /> <br />Administrative Tasks will be provided by the Consultant, to be paid for by NCHFA allowable soft <br />costs on a per unit basis as follows: <br />Task Amount/Unit <br />Advertising & Outreach $300 <br />Environmental Review Preparation $500 <br />Loan Document Execution $350 <br />Project Management $3,500 <br />Post-Rehab Value Certification $200 <br />Total Soft Costs by NCHFA/Unit $4,850 <br /> <br />In addition to the above stated soft costs covered directly by the NCHFA funding, the Consultant <br />will be paid $1,000 per unit upon completion by Orange County to assist with the management <br />of all ESFR project duties. The Consultant will invoice for these funds upon completion of each <br />unit. <br />At least seven units will be completed through the NCHFA 2020 ESFR Project. Consultant costs <br />for project administration will not exceed $5,850 per unit, as described above. In total, program <br />support for the NCHFA 2020 ESFR Project will not exceed $41,000 for the seven units to be <br />completed. If additional units are completed utilizing either NCHFA or local funding sources, <br />Consultant costs for project administration will not exceed $5,850 per unit. <br />The Consultant will prepare the Settlement Data Sheet and submit to NCHFA to trigger the <br />Agency to send a closing package with the following documents: Promissory Note, Deed of <br />Trust, Legal Advice Disclosure, Grant Agreement, Name Affidavit, W-9, Request for Notice (s), <br />Privacy Notice, and Notice of Sale, if applicable. The Consultant will prepare all preconstruction <br />documents not prepared by NCHFA, which includes, but is not limited to: construction contract, <br />preconstruction minutes and owner selection, lien waivers, certification of completion by the <br />inspector and homeowner and lead based paint documentation. <br /> <br />The Orange County Rehabilitation Specialist will provide the following: <br /> Inspecting work prior to contractor payments (During rehabilitation process) <br /> Final inspection of work to include sign off by homeowner, building inspectors, <br />collection of final paperwork from contractor (lien waiver, warranties, owner manuals & <br />maintenance schedules) <br /> <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: A11CF5A5-9E0D-4D63-AD4F-1119DA11AC9E