Agenda - 11-18-2003-8h
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-18-2003
Agenda - 11-18-2003-8h
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4/22/2013 3:56:01 PM
Creation date
8/29/2008 10:35:45 AM
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Agenda Item
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2003 S ERCD - Jeffrey and Angela Fisher Acceptance of Conservation Easement Assignment from the Triangle Land Conservancy
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2003
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limitation, walking, fishing, or animal and plant observation; and any other purpose consistent <br />with maintaining the conservation values of this Conservation Easement so long as such <br />activity does not interfere with those activities to be enjoyed by the public at large and set forth <br />by the Master Plan, and amendments thereto. <br />B. New Hope Creek Trail and Extension Trail. The Grantor covenants and <br />agrees that the Grantee, its successors and assigns, shall have the perpetual and assignable <br />right to construct, operate and maintain a paved or unpaved New Hope Creek Trail within the <br />Easement Area as indicated by the Land Use Element of the Orange County Comprehensive <br />Plan, adopted September 2, 1981, ("Master Plan") and amendments thereto. The Parties agree <br />that all trails must be located in compliance with both the guidelines of the Fund and aforesaid <br />Master Plan. The New Hope Creek Trail must be located at a minimum distance of fifteen <br />(15) feet fiom the top of the bank of New Hope Creek, located at a maximum distance of fifty <br />(50) feet from the top of the bank of New Hope Creek, run parallel with the top of the bank of <br />New Hope Creek, and the trail will be no wider than ten (10) feet, unless such locations are <br />physically impracticable, and in a manner that does not materially diminish the wooded, open <br />space character, and scenic and natural qualities of the Easement Area as existing on the date <br />of this Conservation Easement. In the construction of New Hope Creek, and when required by <br />the terrain, boardwalks, ramps, handrails, and steps are permitted herein. The Grantee may <br />also construct and maintain park benches, litter receptacles, and trail/feature signs along New <br />Hope Creek Trail. The Grantor reserves the right to construct and maintain an extension trail <br />for accessing New Hope Creek Trail from the Property located outside of the Easement Area. <br />The extension trail must be constructed and located in compliance with both the guidelines of <br />the Fund and aforesaid Master Plan and does not materially diminish the wooded, open space <br />character, scenic and natural qualities of the Easement Area as existing on the date of this <br />Conservation Easement <br />C. Natural Community Restoration. The Grantor covenants and agrees that the <br />Grantee shall the perpetual right to perform all activities necessary to restore the natural plant <br />and animal communities on the Easement Area. <br />Notwithstanding the foregoing, the total cleared, and not re- vegetated, pervious and <br />impervious surface areas associated with all aforesaid improvements, including, but not <br />limited to, the greenway trail, shall not exceed ten (10) percent of the total area of the <br />Easement Area. The Grantor and the Grantee shall have the right and duty to maintain the <br />Easement Area in a clean, natural and undisturbed state, consistent the terms of this <br />Conservation Easement and all applicable land use regulations, and other applicable laws and <br />ordinances. Furthermore, Grantor and Grantee have no right to agree to any activity that <br />would result in the termination of this Conservation Easement. <br />ARTICLE III. PROHIBITED AND RESTRICTED ACTIVITIES <br />Any activity on, or use of, the Easement Area inconsistent with the purposes of this <br />Conservation Easement is prohibited. The Easement Area shall be maintained in its natural, <br />scenic, wooded and open condition and restricted from any development or use that would <br />91 <br />
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