Orange County NC Website
21 <br />Return this document to Guenevere Abernathy, Triangle Land Conservancy, 1101 Haynes Sheet, <br />Suite 205, Raleigh, NC 27604. <br />ASSIGNMENT OF CONSERVATION EASEMENT <br />STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br />COUNTY OF ORANGE <br />PIN: ORANGE COUNTY PIN 9891916210 <br />THIS ASSIGNMENT OF CONSERVATION EASEMENT ( "Assignment") is made on <br />the day of November 2003, by and between Triangle Land Conservancy ( "Assignor "), a <br />North Carolina nonprofit corporation, with an address at 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 205, Raleigh, <br />NC 27604 to and in favor of the ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ( "County "), a <br />body politic and corporate, a political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, with a mailing <br />address of P.O. Box 8181, Hillsborough, North Carolina 27278. <br />WITNESSETH <br />WHEREAS, Assignor and the STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ( "State ") State Property <br />Office, Department of Administration, 1321 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina <br />27699 -1321 acting by and through the NORTH CAROLINA CLEAN WATER <br />MANAGEMENT TRUST FUND ( "Fund "), 1651 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North <br />Carolina 27699 4651 have entered into a Grant Agreement identified as Grant Agreement <br />No. 1997B -009 providing for the acquisition of a Conservation Easement over property identified <br />as the "Fisher Property" and more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and by this <br />reference incorporated herein (the "Easement Area ") with financial assistance being provided <br />by Fund; and <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to said Grant Agreement, Assignor has acquired a Conservation <br />Easement, over the Easement Area; and <br />