Orange County NC Website
Exhibit 14A: List of Subcontractors – Instructions <br />Version 2016 <br />Health Promotion If an agency funded for health promotion hires an exercise instructor, that person is a vendor, not a <br />subcontractor. <br />Transportation If a county human service agency receives the grant allocation and contracts with the county transportation <br />system to provide rides, it should be treated as a subcontract* and not a purchase of service because there are <br />grant requirements that the transportation system is responsible for assuring. For example, the HCCBG vehicle <br />and driver documentation requirements should be specified in the written contract/agreement and should <br />match the requirements in the transportation service standard. <br />Family Caregiver <br />Support Program <br />If the provider with the FCSP allocation outsources any service requirements, including eligibility determination, <br />then it is a subcontract relationship that should be reported on Ex. 14A. For example, a county department of <br />aging has a contract with the AAA to provide respite services. The county department takes all calls from <br />caregivers regarding respite and routes the callers to the respite providers to determine if they are eligible for <br />the service based on FCSP eligibility. In this case the respite providers would be subcontractors because they are <br />not merely providing the service, but have a role in determining who receives the service. On the other hand, if <br />the FCSP service provider (the one receiving the allocation) determines eligibility, then the respite provider is <br />just a vendor because currently there are no service standard requirements that have to be met for FCSP and no <br />service requirements would be outsourced to the vendor. <br /> <br />* When a county agency with a HCCBG allocation for any service uses another county agency to carry out the grant’s requiremen ts, the <br />arrangement should be treated like a subcontract. There should be a written agreement that details what grant requirements have been <br />outsourced to the second county agency and other pertinent details. Written agreements/contracts make it clear to the HCCBG provider, <br />its subcontractor, and the AAA who is responsible for what requirements. The stipulations provide a framework for the monitoring of <br />grant requirements and identify which entity is responsible for the documentation of grant activities. <br /> <br /> <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 876C92A1-FFCC-4CCE-9133-469A78CE1DCA