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Reinventing Small Business Insurance™ <br />This policy does cover <br />We want you to understand how Professional Liability insurance helps protect your business. This summary <br />explains what is and isn’t covered. <br />If you have any questions about your coverage, please contact one of our advisors at 888-202-3007 <br />(Mon-Fri, 8am-10pm EST) PSNBOBHFZPVSQPMJDZBUXXXIJTDPYDPNNBOBHFZPVSQPMJDZ <br />Professional Liability Insurance <br />Health, Beauty and Wellbeing Professionals <br />Bodily injury <br />To the extent you are legally liable, we cover damages or claims expenses if you injure a third-party. <br />Negligence <br />We cover any alleged mistakes in your provision of professional services. This includes failing in your ‘duty of <br />care,’ giving incorrect advice, an omission (leaving something out), or failing to deliver your services. <br />Defense costs <br />If you’re sued, even if you haven’t made a mistake, we will appoint an attorney to defend you, even if the lawsuit <br />is groundless. <br />Services performed in the past <br />We cover the services you have performed going back to an agreed-upon date, even if that date is before you <br />were insured with Hiscox – for any unknown claims that may be made against you and reported to us during the <br />policy period. This date, the retroactive date, is printed on the declarations page of your policy. <br />Employees, temporary staff, and independent contractors <br />We cover claims arising from services performed by your employees, temporary staff, or independent contractors <br />if those services were performed on behalf of your business. <br />Volunteers and student interns <br />We cover claims arising from services performed by your volunteers or student interns if those services were <br />performed under your direction and supervision. <br />Personal injury <br />We cover claims of libel and slander as part of your professional services. <br />Supplemental payments <br />We will pay for expenses you reasonably incur as a result of attending arbitration proceedings or trials in the <br />defense of a covered claim. We will pay up to $5,000. <br />Administrative and disciplinary proceedings <br />We will pay up to $5,000 to defend you in an administrative hearing or disciplinary proceeding brought by an <br />administrative agency, licensing board or regulatory authority as a result of your professional services. <br />HIPAA violations <br />We will pay for claims due to your failure or alleged failure to protect any non-public, personally identifiable <br />information in your care arising out of a violation of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act <br />(HIPAA) as a result of your professional services. We will pay up to $25,000. <br />Sexual misconduct and abuse claims <br />We will pay up to $200,000 for claims of sexual misconduct and abuse as a result of your professional services. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 71FE3C0F-91F9-4BFA-B54A-5C3E1FE79255