Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION PRIORITY LIST <br />FOR CONSIDERATION OF FUNDING IN <br />THE 2004-2010 DURHAM-CHAPEL HILL - CARRBORO <br />METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION <br />TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM fMTIP) <br />As a member of the Durham - Chapel Hill- Carrbom Metropolitan Planning <br />Organization, Orange County will continue W work with the Transportation <br />Advisory Committee ECHO TAC) to develop a complete list of prii priorities <br />for the portion of Orange County that Iles inside the urbanized area boundary. <br />However, there are selected projects in Orange County which we would like to <br />address now because they have been the subjects of discussions between the <br />TAC and the Department of Transportation or because there are other special <br />concerns. <br />REQUESTED PROJECTS <br />1) U -3888. Elizabeth Brady Road Extension Construct a facility, with bicycle <br />and pedestrian amended, connecting US 70 Business and US 70 Bypass <br />on an alignment that has least impact on the Eno River, the natural <br />environment and cultural sides. This project creates a parallel mute to the <br />highly congested Chums Street comidor (NC 86 & US 70 Business). This <br />route will be used b re -route heavy truck and through traffic out of the <br />downbwnlhistoric district. <br />An Economic Development District (EDD) Transportation Workgroup <br />made up of Orange County and Town of Hillsborough elected officials, <br />planning staff, devebpers and community groups was established to <br />address thimporlation issues depending the Hillsborough area EDD. That <br />group's recommendations and comments regarding this project are also <br />attached for consideration in planning and design of this project. <br />2) NO 86 Bicycle Lanes Construct bicycle lanes (4 -foot paved shoulders) <br />from Chapel Hill (Whitfield Road) to Hillsborough (US 70 Business). This <br />project will mend bicycle lanes an Airport Road (NC86) in Chapel Hill to <br />US 70 Business in Hillsborough. - Bicycle lanes have rocsntly been <br />completed along NC 86 from UNC to Whitfield Road (SR 1731) in Orange <br />County. NC 86 from Chapel Hill to Hillsborough is experiencing increasing <br />numbers of bicyclists using this route and there are also two schools along <br />this mute. This mute is listed as pdortty I of the primary bicycle mutes <br />proposed in the Orange County Bicycle Transportation Plan adopted April <br />6, 1999. This protect is listed in the 2002 -2008 TIP as an incidental <br />bicycle need. Orange County requests that bicycle lane be constructed <br />as an independent project, and, if necessary, programmed in phases. <br />3) R -2825 Improvements to South Chunton Street: Develop congestion <br />management, limited access, aesthetic and capacity improvements <br />