Agenda - 09-02-2021; 12-6 - Information Item - Memorandum Regarding Orange County-Durham County DCHC MPO – Durham City Governance Study Interlocal Agreement (ILA)
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-02-2021 Virtual Business Meeting
Agenda - 09-02-2021; 12-6 - Information Item - Memorandum Regarding Orange County-Durham County DCHC MPO – Durham City Governance Study Interlocal Agreement (ILA)
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Minutes 09-02-2021 Virtual Business Meeting
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12 <br /> '» ATKINS <br /> SNC•LAVALIN M11;,1 mf thl L-1--p <br /> 1.8 Governance Partners' Staff Workshop <br /> The CFG will coordinate with the PALs to schedule and facilitate a presentation with the <br /> governance partners' staff members responsible for implementing the transit plans. There would <br /> be a total of four groups in attendance, which would include: <br /> • Durham County/City staff/leadership <br /> • Orange County (Policy Steering Committee) & Municipal staff/leadership <br /> • DCHC staff/leadership <br /> • GoTriangle staff/leadership <br /> (Note: leadership, in this case, is defined to be agency executive leadership— NOT <br /> board/commissioner member leadership) <br /> This workshop will be designed to have a pointed discussion around new ILA needs, as well as <br /> specifics regarding necessary policies and procedures that represent their interests. The workshop <br /> should be scheduled for 3 hours. The first hour to be a joint discussion with all four groups. The <br /> second hour to be four breakout sessions for each respective group. The third hour will be a return <br /> to the joint-group style to highlight issues realized in breakouts and help the process gather the <br /> necessary information to refine the ILA based on the options initially documented in the reports <br /> from Task 1.6. A summary of the workshop will be developed and used to inform draft ILA <br /> development. The presentation for each group will stem from information in the ILA Options <br /> Report, but tailored to each audience as necessary during the breakouts. <br /> 1.9 ILA & Report Development <br /> Based on all the information and feedback gathered during the Initial Stakeholder Assessment, <br /> Peer Interviews, Joint Stakeholder Workshop #1 and the Individual County Workshops, the CFG <br /> will initially coordinate with the EAP as needed to develop a new ILA for consideration and <br /> associated report. This report will outline a set of alternative options that were realized from prior <br /> study efforts, the choices and tradeoffs used to inform said options, and justification the <br /> incorporation, or lack thereof, of each option into the new ILA. <br /> Part of this exercise will take into consideration points of efficiency between both Durham and <br /> Orange County's proposed draft governance frameworks and streamline with existing Wake <br /> County policies and procedures (i.e. tax district administration, communications protocols, staff <br /> resources). The draft ILA and associated report will first be reviewed by the PALs. Upon successful <br /> review and initial feedback incorporation from the PALs, the draft ILA and associated report should <br /> be distributed electronically to all stakeholders prior to the Joint Stakeholder Workshop#2. This will <br /> allow for ample review time from all involved stakeholders. The PALs and CFG should solicit <br /> questions prior to the workshop to allow for effective workshop facilitation and dialogue. This will <br /> also help the CFG to revise critical sections of the draft ILA and showcase the corrective actions in <br /> a presentation for the workshop. <br /> 1.10 Joint Stakeholder Workshop #2 <br /> The CFG and PALs will host a second joint workshop for all Durham and Orange Counties, and <br /> associated governance/implementation partners to review and discuss the recommended Final <br /> Draft ILA and associated report (as developed in Task 1.10). The goal will be to seek confirmation <br /> of corrective actions already taken based on solicited feedback from prior electronic distribution. <br /> Then, the CFG and PALs will seek concurrence live, in-workshop, on each section that makeup the <br /> 91 Page <br />
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