Agenda - 09-02-2021; 12-6 - Information Item - Memorandum Regarding Orange County-Durham County DCHC MPO – Durham City Governance Study Interlocal Agreement (ILA)
Board of County Commissioners
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Agenda - 09-02-2021 Virtual Business Meeting
Agenda - 09-02-2021; 12-6 - Information Item - Memorandum Regarding Orange County-Durham County DCHC MPO – Durham City Governance Study Interlocal Agreement (ILA)
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Minutes 09-02-2021 Virtual Business Meeting
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11 <br /> '» ATKINS <br /> SNC•LAVALIN M,m sof me SNC a,n G—p <br /> ➢ CAMPO (Wake Transit Program Management/TPAC Administration; MPO Administration) <br /> ➢ Select TPAC (Wake Transit) Voting Members <br /> ➢ City of Raleigh (Department of Transportation Management; Administration) <br /> ➢ GoTriangle (if necessary based on initial staff interviewees from Task 1.3 - Financial <br /> Management; General Counsel; Communications —focusing on procedural aspects) <br /> ➢ Selection of Representatives from both Wake Transit Governing Boards (GoTriangle & <br /> CAMPO) <br /> The CFG will coordinate with the PALs to develop a series of questions for these peer interviews. <br /> Questions should be tailored to specific groups that play a role in overall governance, process <br /> development/adherence, and even communications protocols. The goal will be to capture <br /> perspectives on the current successes and challenges presented by the Wake County Transit Plan <br /> governance frameworks, as well as thoughts on Wake County's involvement since plan <br /> implementation commenced. The feedback gathered from these interviews will be summarized and <br /> paired with the Initial Stakeholder Assessment in preparation for the Joint Stakeholder Workshop <br /> #1. EAP team members may also offer insights to help inform how challenges and opportunities <br /> were resolved through the consultant team's experiences in Denver and Atlanta. <br /> 1.6 ILA Options Reports & Presentations <br /> a. Comprehensive Report& Presentation <br /> b. Durham County Addendum Report& Presentation <br /> b. Orange County Addendum Report& Presentation <br /> The CFG will review summaries, key points, and initial takeaways from Tasks 1.2 through 1.5 to <br /> determine viable options that present suggested paths forward for updated language in a new ILA. <br /> The CFG will then discuss drafted options and language suggestions with the EAP to confirm <br /> and/or enhance. The CFG will then develop an ILA Options Report & Presentation for each <br /> respective County and conduct a review period with PALs to edit and confirm the report and <br /> presentation. <br /> 1.7 Joint Stakeholder Workshop #1 <br /> Preparation for this workshop will showcase items from Task 1.4 (Current ILA, Policies & <br /> Procedures Report) and Task 1.6 (ILA Options Report). In addition to presenting this information to <br /> stakeholders, we recommend designing a facilitated dialogue based on the presentations to inform <br /> final ILA and PPM development as subsequent steps of this study. The CFG will coordinate with <br /> the PALs to develop a set of general questions that would be appropriate for a joint stakeholder <br /> session. The questions would stem from the presentations/report materials that showcase <br /> documented ILA-language options. The questions should also capture general feedback to inform <br /> future tasks for PPM development. The team anticipates that the first section of the workshop <br /> should be focused on critical aspects of ILA development. Then, the second section of the <br /> workshop should be focused on discussing the existing and aspirational policies and procedures <br /> required for stakeholders and the public to view future implementation efforts a continued success. <br /> Each section of the workshop may require different stakeholder members, depending on their role <br /> and/or responsibilities with plan implementation governance. Duration of this and subsequent <br /> workshops will be refined with PALs early in the study to account for stakeholder's level of <br /> effort/involvement, which will aid in scheduling for stakeholders <br /> It is assumed this workshop will be held in-person and should last for no more than 3 hours, but no <br /> less than 90 minutes. <br /> 81 Page <br />
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