Orange County NC Website
G. Ce51iRcaLLan <br />1. A Ceriffmate of Survey aN Amracy signed by a Profeseionl Laud Surveyor <br />shall to votacud ov the face of tlac Fidel Plat. <br />2. A Cenilca[e of Declaration and Maintemwce in the farm provided in Sect ov <br />V-D-6-b of the Orange Ccuvty Subdivision Regulatiem signed by Ne lavdovmu <br />end developer shall be vv Lire face of Use plm and included iv a dvcumevt <br />describing devetopmmt restrictions eo be rccordetl conumrently wiN the FvW <br />Plat <br />3. The NortM1 Carolina Deparmrent of Tmvspmmtivv shall tartly that Farm Gate <br />Drive: Windflower Place, La Fax Lan, Fax Hill Farm Drive, Cedaz Stom <br />Way, Srill Meadow Lave, Starfve Place mtl Springfield Place have been <br />mnsVUned to Stale smvdards or chat comtruction plane have been approved <br />prior CO P18nnivg DepBltmCD[ 8lgntnres nn Fnnl p18[. <br />6.. A Certificate of Approval sigvM by the Orange Cvanty Planting and <br />Inspectla¢a Depar[mem. <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by rbe Board of Orange Counry <br />Cnmmieeionts that We Preliminary Play for Fox Bill Farm Cevtrel Subdivision is approvM in <br />accordance with We above mwtlovM mmtltlovs and atmched Prelhrdrary Plat dated <br />selncmner zo.2Bd1. <br />Upon morion of Commissionr , secwded by Commissioner , <br />the foregoing mevlutlon ores adopted this the _ day of . 2001. <br />I, Beverly A. Blyshe, Clerk m the Board of Commissiova¢ for the Cowty of Orange, <br />Nmrh Carolina, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a True copy of eo mach of Me <br />proceedings of said Hoard at a meeting held on , 3001 as relates m any way m <br />Ne edopritm of the foregoing and Nu said procealings me rrenMetl in Mivntd Hook No. <br />of the minutes of said Board. <br />WITNESS my M1and and the seal of said Cowty, tine -day of , 2001. <br />Clerk m the Barad of Commisdovue <br />