Orange County NC Website
3. Impervious sutiace dam, as' porsnwt m Article of [be Zordvg <br />Ordwance shall be ivdvdetl iv a document describing development reaviclinns <br />avd regvirerumte m he prepared by Planning Smff and rexrded concunevtly, <br />with the Final Plat. The Impervios surface limimliws fm each lot shall ivdicale <br />whether Nc impervioas surfux ivdodm or excludes one-hall' (1rz) of We roatl <br />width in the calmlmwve. <br />E. PwWavd <br />1. Cash in the amowt of S41,405.00 shall be paid m Ihwge Coumy az payment m <br />lieu of parklwd dediaatiov prior m recosdation of Ibe fmffi plaz. <br />2. The second pazapjaph of Section IV-H-'/-b of the Orevge Cowry Subdivision <br />Regulations reftrences the requhW minimum recreation space ratio w the <br />Orwge Cowry Zoning prdinawa, Ankle S.l.l, which requires 0.028 square <br />fttt of rmeuiw space per Iwd area d~irated m residential use 10.028' <br />29].93 = 8.34 sues oc 363,309 square feet]. In those cases where Ne required <br />minimum recreadon space resulm m a largo amnum than the public reareetiov <br />space requhemem of 115] acmpm tol, the difference shell be eambllsbed az <br />private recreation space for the use of the residents of the development (363,3]9 <br />- 69.543 = 293,836 square feet (6]4 acres). The developer has plwned 101.4"1 <br />s of open space (33%) m M nuimaived by the Hommwrers Association, <br />which seusfes the Cowry ralviremems for private recrration use. <br />P, M 1 nnm~e <br />1. The Final Plat shall wnmm a title block wd vicmiry map iv accordance witM1 <br />Section V-D-2 aM V-D-3 of me Orange Cwvry Subdivision Regulations. <br />2. Drawage eazemmrs shall be provided as relldrM by D.l. above. <br />3. A dry hydram shalt be insmOM in Ne pond m phase 4. The pond shell t11M1 We <br />specific requvements az taloned by Emergency Mewg®ent. This would <br />identify a seable wow sou¢e fm foe suppression. The dry hydrwt shall be <br />fonstNClal' dnrillg the Cwswmbp Of Phase 2 W Ith w vIl Weather 8artace <br />provided to Ibe pond nvtil Fox Ddl Farm Drive avd Smrfue Place are <br />constructW. <br />4. The open space shall be moneyed inm the Homeowvpr's Assaciadw az each <br />phase of the subdivision i. rtxuNoi. <br />5. A 150 foot building setback easement w lots 164,165, wd 166 shall be <br />prodded along Baldwin Road as wdiuted on the Prelhvimry Plw. <br />6. A 20 foot wide pedestrian access easemcm shall be IoratW w lot 191 alwg the <br />northmn properly live neu m lot 190 from the open Spam area m Fox Hill Farm <br />Drive. <br />