Orange County NC Website
u <br />200 480 gpd Shallow Trench COnvm[ienal <br />201 480 gpd ConvmROnal <br />202 480 gpd Shallow Trmch Cvuvmtionalw/pump <br />203 480 gpd Covvmdaval <br />NOTlS: <br />The design Flow is hazed upon [he numbs[ ofbcdrooms applies forbythc property owner o[ developer The design <br />Row forabakoomu120 gellom/day (gpd). LR6680 gpd=4bedmmns) <br />Thepmpetly owns or developer as required by 13ANCAC 18A.1900 -.1969 (The Laws and RWes for Sewage <br />Tmatmmt and Disposal Systems provides proposed house Ivcatievs} <br />The desi®r flow, type system. aM pomp requirement are subj¢[ [o chnngebazed upon the applicariortavd site plan i <br />plat submined for Ne tVaztewater Cvruwctiev Authorization. <br />The blocked aRaz on the accompmying plat are Nc hita ofthe provieivnWly suitable sous as wWaamd by the <br />Orange Cvwty HCalth Depmtmevt. <br />It sheuld be note] that all Wts having a commtiotW-type drain 5eld with pump arerevicwrd at asuinimum of every <br />Rve }reazs by We health department ae requved by 15A NCAC 18A.1961 (Maivrcnmce of Sewage Systcros). <br />Ultra Shallow Trmch Convmtioml Systems are placed N areas with 24 inches or more ofprovieienelly suitable <br />eeihsite cheractetlsics and a6-10"soil cap is placed over fhe trenches. <br />Shallow Trem'.h Convmdoval Systems meplaced iv areas with 30 inches ox mme oEprovisivrally suitable solllsite <br />chaacrededcs. <br />Conventional Trrnch Systems are placed in azens with 36' inches ormoce ofprovisioaally suitable wiVsite <br />charac[mislica. <br />Th tl R h Idb k if f 1 1 tlf d 1' ac[Ivite <br />It is the cespvnsibihty ofthe propmyown or developam maintain the iutegrny of We septic areas pnono system <br />coustmdiov and insallatioa No parking,acuoting or RUiug alaaU be allowed NOr azeund Ne drain field uses. <br />Drairmge ways and easwrnts should be utllizW tv convey storm wa[mrun-e1T to Rse stormwatmrelention areas. <br />These conveyances shvWd not be located though designated sepdc dminfield arem. <br />This report is forplan"-g purposes only aM does not covatimte any Biro appmvW. Inr approvnl is grated by Ne <br />heellb department ovlyin Reform vYm Irap[ovemrnt Permit. <br />