Orange County NC Website
i~ <br />A <br />• <br />A <br />A <br />A <br />• <br />r <br />• <br />• <br />• <br />A <br />e <br />e <br />e <br />e <br />e <br />s <br />e <br />e <br />a <br /> <br />1.0 Execmivc Summary <br />The proposed Fox Hill Farm-Cmva! developmem is located near Hillsborough, North <br />Caroline betwem Baldwin Road and New Sharon Church Road. The proposed <br />development wpl comiat o£ m additional 9] single-family dwelling units. The site will <br />be accessed via two driveways onm Baldwin Road and one onto New Shame Chuch <br />Road. Compledan (full build-oup u antcipated iu yeaz 2003. <br />TM sire is estimated to generate an etldidouel 951 mW trips daily, with 73 and 98 <br />occurring during the A.M rail PM peak how, respsoively. It shoWd be Hared that Nese <br />trips generation esdmams ere a total of bath entering and exiting vehicles. In addition m <br />e three pwemt aonuel growth rate, traffic generarion far the previausiy approved d9 <br />Ingle-family dwelling rants waz also included io the analysis. <br />This study has been performed m dHermine Ne fume ~c impacts of [be development <br />on the svrmwdins street network. Based on dLS walysia, the adjacrnt avast network <br />will operate so a good overall levebof-service. IDtersecdorvs in the arcs will opermN at <br />level-of-service (LOS) B or better. Average daily traffic counts on Haldwin Road aM <br />New Shoran Churh Road arc not expected m exceed 3000 vehicles per day. Based on <br />anticipated traffic volumes and NCDOT standards, nei0rer left nun laves nor right tutu <br />lanes are required et stir driveways. 4 field investigation has confirmed dut adequate <br />aigM distmce is presmr at xiI sire driveways. <br />