Orange County NC Website
FY2004-2005 CT Application <br />FederaUState Certifications <br />9 <br />Tll"LE VI CERTIFICATION <br />NI )N-DISCRIMINATION <br />FOR THE PERIOD JULY 1, 2002 - JI,iNE 30, 2003 <br />Recipients of FTA funds must comply with Title V I of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Section 601. Title VI states that "No person in the <br />United States shall, on the ground of race, color or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be <br />subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistanc;e." As the direct recipient of the <br />Section 5311 funds, the Department of Transportation is required to periodically submit information to FTA that includes a <br />description of Title VI complaints that have been filed against the department and any subrecipient. <br />The legal applicant (subrecipient) must complete tt.e Section 5311 Title VI Pro rg am Report. Please complete the attached form by <br />providing a concise description of any Title VI complaints or lawsuits alleging discrimination in the service delivery area that have <br />been filed with the legal applicant during the period July 1, 2002 through June 30, 2003. Include a statement or outcome of each <br />complaint or lawsuit. The legal applicant is the agc°ncy that the department enters into contract with, not the system name. However, <br />if any complaints have been alleged against the transportation system, they should be included in the form. The appropriate <br />certification should be completed indicating that inl.'ormation has been provided regarding all complaints received, and the form must <br />be si ng ed by the authorized official. If there have teen no allegations or complaints, the legal applicant's authorized official should <br />complete the appropriate certification at the bottom of the form and sign where indicated. <br />Section II <br />Page 17 of 19 <br />