Orange County NC Website
2 <br />Qualitative Data: School staff will collect standardized parent and teacher satisfaction <br />data (satisfaction with program, and child readiness for remote and in-person <br />instruction) <br /> <br />Biliteracy Summer Program (FPG and CES) <br />Duties of CHCCS School Board: <br /> Provide a four week program for students at FPG and CES to prepare them to enter <br />school at grade level using an evidence-based curriculum and an appropriate teacher <br />student ratio. Provide additional instruction and language development for students not <br />on grade level in Spanish literacy and/or language proficiency <br /> Identify eligible students, inform families about the opportunity and encourage <br />enrollment. <br /> Provide small group and/or 1:1 sessions with those students with Spanish speaking <br />teachers to continue to build Spanish literacy. Fill in gaps from what students may have <br />missed between March-June. <br /> Provide parents of students with resources to continue Spanish literacy development <br />throughout the summer. <br /> The Board shall provide the County a Program Evaluation Report that includes total <br />number students participating and any additional evaluation input from parents, <br />teachers, or students by October 1, 2020. <br /> <br />All funds expended by the County under this Agreement are to be used to subsidize the <br />participation by low-income and/or non-proficient students in summer programs. This applies <br />to both Ready for K and CES/FPG biliteracy programs. <br /> <br /> <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: C51F630A-23FD-4386-B0CE-9526161D6CC7