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1 <br />Exhibit A <br />Scope of Services for <br />Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools (CHCCS) Summer 2020 enrichment program in partnership <br />with the Family Success Alliance (FSA): “Ready for K” & FPG/CES Summer Camp <br /> <br />Purpose: Program resources for Chapel Hill Carrboro City schools for 1) to provide biliteracy <br />summer camp for students of Frank Porter Graham and Carrboro Elementary 2) to provide the <br />Ready for K summer academic program for Family Success Alliance (FSA) rising kindergarten <br />students. <br /> <br />Budget: $72,500 <br /> $48,000: for Summer K-Readiness program for rising kindergarten students at one or <br />more FSA zone schools for 55 students. Funds can be used to pay teacher salaries, <br />payroll, , curriculum materials and supplies <br /> $24,500: for Biliteracy Summer Program for 50 rising 1st-6th grade students at Frank <br />Porter Graham Elementary School and Carrboro Elementary School. <br /> <br />Ready for K Program <br />Duties of the CHCCS Board <br /> Identify and enroll 55 or more incoming kindergarteners into a remote summer <br />kindergarten readiness program. Priority will be given to student groups that are <br />typically identified as underserved (Black, English Language Learners, Low-Income, EC, <br />etc.) <br /> Provide a four week program (20 program days) to prepare students to enter school and <br />engage in remote and in-person learning. Times would be based on student/family <br />availability with a goal of 45 minutes of contact each day. <br /> Provide an orientation for parents with resources for supporting learning at home <br /> Administer a parent survey at the end of the program to evaluate the perceived impact <br />of the program. Provide a final program evaluation report that includes student <br />demographics, prior education experience, attendance, and survey data <br />Outcomes <br />Recruitment: CHCCS staff, with assistance from FSA staff if feasible, will conduct outreach to <br />eligible families and recruit incoming kindergarten students for the k-readiness program with <br />an aim of reaching at least 55 students. <br /> <br />Attendance: Attendance will be tracked with a goal of 90% average daily participation rate. <br /> <br />Program Evaluation: <br />Quantitative Data: Identify and administer assessments appropriate to remote learning <br />to assess academic and social and emotional readiness for Kindergarten. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: C51F630A-23FD-4386-B0CE-9526161D6CC7