Orange County NC Website
Date Submitted: 10/24/2018 Client Name: Orange County Information <br />Technology <br />Author: Mark McIntyre Project #: <br />MS Project Mgr: TBD Client Business <br />Owner: <br />Hardik C. Patel <br />MS Acct Mgr: Ed Mackin Jr. SFDC #: ORANGE452016 <br />Date Last <br />Modified: <br />05/11/2020 Client Priority: High - Must Have <br /> Medium - Important <br /> Low - Nice to Have <br />AX Upgrade <br />Objective <br />The Client has ApplicationXtender (AX) version 5.2 and experienced a database failure on 10/18/2016 <br />with the last known good backup taken back on 10/25/2015. The database was running on a SQL 2000 <br />server and the image files reside on share. The plan is to restore the last backup and upgrade the AX <br />system to the latest version 16.3 on new 2016 servers then recover the lost documents. <br />The following AX components are installed and need to be upgraded. <br />- AX Desktop Client <br />- AX License Server <br />The SQL database, due to its age, will need to be upgraded in two steps, one to a SQL 2008 server then <br />to the new SQL 2012, 2014 or 2016 server, which the Client is to provide. The image file share will need <br />to also be migrated to the new server as well, which the Client will perform. <br />No other customizations are needed at this time. <br />The Client wishes to also include training time to instruct on new administrative and user feature <br />functionality. <br /> Scope of Services <br />To accomplish the objective, MetaSource will perform the following tasks: <br />1.Project Preparation <br />a. MetaSource will hold project planning meetings with the Client to review scope, set <br />expectations and determine a timeline for accomplishing the tasks below. <br />b. The Client is to provide a new 2016 server that meets supported server configuration for AX <br />16.3. <br />c. The Client will provide a domain service account that is a member of the local Administrators <br />group on the server for installation and running services. <br />2.AX Upgrade <br />Since the AX system has been down since 2016, the plan is to restore the database and perform the <br />upgrade of that database. Note that due to the old version of SQL it must be first upgraded to SQL <br />2008 then to the new SQL version, which will require upgrading to AX 7 before upgrading to 16.3. <br />a. The Client SQL DBA will perform all SQL tasks <br />b. MetaSource will obtain the upgraded AX license file. The Client must be current on AX <br />Software maintenance to enable the upgraded license file. <br />c. MetaSource will download new software to a share on the new server. This require internet <br />access to the MetaSource sFTP site. <br />d. Install and configure AX software on the new AX server, to include: <br />i. AX Administrator <br />ii. AX Desktop Client <br />Attachment B - AX Upgrade - SOW <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 903F6B48-F142-435C-93A4-C45D85234C2C