Orange County NC Website
yam o. <br />`~ ~,Ee <br />~ ~~ ° <br />:'~Jh. <br />.,, ~., <br />Orange County <br />Finance Department <br />208 South Cameron Street <br />Past Office Box 8181 <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: <br />FROM: <br />DATE: <br />SUBJECT: <br />John Link, County Manager <br />Ken Chavious, Finance Director <br />Gwen Harvey, Assistant County Manager <br />July 12, 2005 <br />919 227-2031 <br />Fax: 919 644-3324 <br />3 <br />Tel: 919 732-8181 <br />919 968-4501 <br />919 688-7331 <br />Joint Orange Chatham Community Action (.IOCCA) Follow up Actions <br />In response to the concerns raised about JOCCA ,subsequent to the adoption of the <br />County's btadget which included $100,000 for this non profit agency, Gwen Harvey and I <br />met with Sandra Sanchez, .JOCCA Director, to discuss the issues related to the withdrawal <br />of funding far the 2005-2006 fiscal year by Chatham County,, and whether there were <br />grounds for Orange County concern, Prior to meeting with Ms, Sanchez, Gwen and I spoke <br />with Chatham County management and were informed that the reasons for not funding <br />.IOCCA were related to the organization's financial stability and overall fiscal management, <br />According to Ms, Sanchez, the decision by Chatham County to suspend 2005-2006 <br />funding for JOCCA was a surprise to the staff as well as the JOCCA board. Ms. Sanchez <br />stated that it was her understanding that this decision was made at the Chatham County <br />staff level and never reached the County Commissioners for a decision, She also stated <br />that the JOCCA board will request to meet with the Chatham Commissioners to discuss the <br />issues surrounding this decision in the very near future. The amount of funding in question <br />is $22,238. <br />I have reviewed the audited financial statements for JOCCA for the past three fiscal years <br />and the following information provides a synopsis of said review, <br />• At the end of the 2001--2002 fiscal year JOCCA had an overall operating <br />deficit of $38,162. At the end of the 2003-2004 fiscal year that deficit had <br />been reduced to $8,414, <br />