Orange County NC Website
DRAFT 4 <br /> 59 <br /> 60 AGENDA ITEM 413: DCHC MPO CTP AMENDMENT#3(NISH TRIVEDI) <br /> 61 Nish Trivedi presented the DCHC MPO CTP Amendment#3 for comments. <br /> 62 <br /> 63 Tony Blake noted that White Cross Road is narrower than Old Greensboro yet the speed limit is 10 mph higher. It is also a <br /> 64 common route for bicyclist and has been problematic and has an increased amount of truck traffic as a cut through from <br /> 65 Pittsboro to Hillsborough. There is a need for increased maintenance or put limited weight. <br /> 66 <br /> 67 Nish Trivedi replied that he has contacted NCDOT to evaluate speed reduction and weight capacity. <br /> 68 <br /> 69 David Laudicina commented on Orange County pulling out of the rail study that Wake and Durham County are conducting <br /> 70 what that means for the future to extend the commuter rail to Hillsborough and then further on out. He pointed out that a lot <br /> 71 of towns have mills that are being developed into housing right by the rail line. When he listened to the Buckhorn technical <br /> 72 analysis and not one person mentioned that there is a rail line going right through the middle of it and it seems like the <br /> 73 County is losing a huge opportunity to get people around. He also pointed out that the Bus Rapid Transit is very disjointed <br /> 74 and takes too many connections to get anywhere. David thinks limiting transportation to driving on the highway to get <br /> 75 anywhere is going to stifle growth. David also commented on the missed opportunity of building a train station in <br /> 76 Hillsborough without a platform. <br /> 77 <br /> 78 Tony Blake commented that NC Railroad needs to be included as a partner in the planning. <br /> 79 <br /> 80 Nish Trivedi informed the OUTBoard that Northern Southern is blocking the construction of a platform for the Hillsborough <br /> 81 Train Station. <br /> 82 <br /> 83 Erik Broo thinks if the County is going to advocate for commuter rail then it should include the line used by the coal rail to <br /> 84 Chapel Hill because they have a parking problem. Any commuter rail should include Chapel Hill. <br /> 85 <br /> 86 Tony Blake pointed out that any look at transit spending needs to take a hard look at the impacts that the pandemic has <br /> 87 had on society and how that will shape the future of how and where we work and the impacts that will have on our needs <br /> 88 regarding transportation in the long term. <br /> 89 <br /> 90 AGENDA ITEM 4C: US 15I501 STUDY—PHASE 2(NISH TRIVEDI) <br /> 91 Nish Trivedi updated the OUTBoard on the completed study and informed the group that Chapel Hill and Durham didn't <br /> 92 agree with each other and further explained their objections and there will be another study. <br /> 93 <br /> 94 AGENDA ITEM 4D:SMALL NON-STIP TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS(NISH TRIVEDI) <br /> 95 Nish Trivedi updated the OUTBoard on the small non-STIP projects and they reviewed the projects and the members made <br /> 96 suggestions. <br /> 97 <br /> 98 AGENDA ITEM 5: STAFF REPORTS/UPDATES <br /> 99 <br /> 100 AGENDA ITEM 5A: MPO/RPO AND NCDOT UPDATES(NISH TRIVEDI)— <br /> 1101 02 Nish Trivedi updated the OUTBoard on the MPO/RPO and NCDOT updates <br /> 103 AGENDA ITEM 6: INFORMATION ITEMS <br /> 104 <br /> 105 AGENDA ITEM 6A: NCDOT LUNCHEON INFO ITEM <br /> 106 Tom Ten Eyck updated the OUTBoard on NCDOT Luncheon and advised the next one will be in August and one in <br /> 107 November. <br /> 108 <br /> 109 AGENDA ITEM 7:ADJOURNMENT <br /> 110 OUTBoard meeting was adjourned by consensus <br /> 111 <br /> 112 <br /> 113 <br /> Erik Broo, Chair <br /> 2 <br />