BbTF Minutes 06-16-2021
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Broadband Task Force
BbTF Minutes 06-16-2021
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Last modified
8/12/2021 2:41:32 PM
Creation date
8/12/2021 2:37:36 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Advisory Bd. Minutes
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Attendees: Commissioner Greene <br /> Commissioner McKee <br /> Todd Broucksou <br /> Catharine Rice <br /> Jim Northrup <br /> Doug Noell <br /> Patricia Hull <br /> Paul Cardillo <br /> Terri Buckner <br /> Victoria Deaton <br /> Dr. Kathleen Dawson <br /> Kathy Zopfi <br /> Patricia Sullivan <br /> Action Items: <br /> - Continue working on RFP and incorporating suggested changes; will add language for OC to own <br /> fiber; have a single document to hand to vendors along with any County owned assets (towers, <br /> water tanks, buildings, etc) by Tues,Jun 22—Jim Northrup <br /> - Call meeting of BOCC/Manager to get decision on OC fiber ownership- McKee/Greene <br /> Welcomes and introductions—Jim introduced Kathy Zopfi as new addition to BbTF team <br /> Approve Minutes (June 2,2021)—motion to approve minutes; Todd makes motion,Terri seconds, all <br /> approved. <br /> Good news—Commissioners Greene and McKee were successful in procuring$5million (ARPA funds— <br /> have to be used to design a system that can provide 100/100 symmetrical or 100/20 scalable)from <br /> BOCC of County's budget; possibility of additional funding after 2"d tranche <br /> Provider Meeting Update and Discussion <br /> - Schedule—Jim/Catharine: spoke with NCDIT for an hour long discussion (BB liaisons—report to <br /> Jeff Sural;Jeff on PTO) <br /> o Catharine providing synopsis—useful call; recommendation was that they've stopped <br /> doing meetings w/providers; recommended that NCDIT review RFP and they can <br /> provide feedback that vendors would've provided; talked about Buncombe County RFP, <br /> were able to ultimately get an award to AT&T FTTH ($4500/household); discussed how <br /> granular(Keith Conover) RFP should be—icing is the$$; incumbents aren't looking to <br /> build in rural areas so unless you put"bait on the hook"they won't respond; said <br /> contract is where you really do the negotiating; once AT&T was in the room with RFP, <br /> that's when they hammered out the contract with Buncombe County—performance <br /> clauses, etc.;Terri—need to have a meeting to get what costs would be—what can you <br /> provide, at what cost and what service level?; if OC wants to own the fiber, need to <br /> specify that in the RFP; Comm McKee—decide if all want the county to own the fiber; <br /> discussion about pros and cons of owning fiber; Comm Greene asks why short and long <br />
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