Orange County NC Website
RECREATION BUILDINGTWO STORY BRICKdrawnThe use of these plans and specifications shall be restrictedto the original site for which they were prepared andpublication thereof is expressly limited to such use. Re-use,reproduction, or publication by any method, in whole or inpart, is prohibited. Title to the plans and specificationsremain in the architect without prejudice. It is to be returnedupon request to the architect. Visual contact with thoseplans and specifications shall constitute prima facieevidence of the acceptance of these restrictions.revisionsno.totalsheetproject no.checkeddate08/05/20201910Set for Construction222 cloister courtchapel hill, nc 27514919.401.8586www.cra-ae.comWest Tryon St <br />Hillsborough, North CarolinaJRPMLHSITE PLAN1 ADDENDUM #1 REVIEW 08/07/20111DocuSign Envelope ID: 0A6DFC39-3D85-4A4A-988A-0BA31AA3CD98DocuSign Envelope ID: 5D3058C7-A1DF-4015-9C0F-A7AA4FAB7B41