Orange County NC Website
suaprvlslox REODUnoxs IvXSa sTR~Ers <br />SECTION Nd3-a ANB SEGTON IVdzY-b <br />THE 60AR0 OF eOUNtt GOMMI9910NER9 OF ORANGE COUNTY ORONNS TXAT THE BueOIVISION <br />REGULATIONS ARE HEREBY AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: <br />(Bold print indicates language to be added. StdkeMreugb pdn[intlicetes language to <br />be deleted) <br />OFANGE COUNTY SUBDIVISIDN ftEGUL4TlON5, SECTION N-&3 STREETS, IS AMENDED TO READ AS <br />sou owe: <br />IV-B3. STREETS <br />"IV-B3,a. The provision of sheet nghte-of-way shall conform to and meet [he <br />'Amended requiremen[sof such adopted Comprehensive Plan fur Omnge GOUnty as <br />414186 may be recommended by the Planning Board and adopted by the Orenge <br />County Boats of County Commissioners, from 'rfa date of adoption, <br />Including, where appropda[e, rnerva[ion for or tlediwtion of street <br />dghtscf-way for future Irenspodalion facilities proposed in the <br />Comprehensive Plan.r~a-A subdivider shall not be required <br />to provide or dedicate right-of-way for a proposed street to which access <br />would be prohibited by any governmental agency. <br />'IV-BS-b. All aubdivisiens shall have a woNinaied street system via-awl[h public or <br />"Amended private streets that aRd access a public, stat~eF municipal street or a <br />public, Stale maintalnetl street <br />1 O/16IB0 AcooMina[etl street system shall consider the following: <br />(a) Public street rightsaf-way shall abut atlJacent properties ae <br />newssary to provltle eonneelivly to the countywide <br />irsnaportatlon network; and <br />(b) Lo[ access to streets serving the subtllvlslon shell be Ilmitetl in <br />the case of streets [he[ provide eeRaeeNViEy a link between Iwo or <br />more roads tleaiBnahtl in fhe Comprehensive Plan as arterials or <br />collectors. <br />(eff.121619Oj All subdivisions seab>~ng-private-skae[s shall have et least one aVeet <br />which in[ersecls with ar joins --- -~ss:.~ a public, stet¢-er municipal street or a <br />public, State maintained etreeLher~ w~ate-rea6. <br />This oMinance shall bemme effective upon adoption. <br />