~c· Function Recreation and Parks Program and Office Space WCOM Radio *during SD to be reduced to 500 sqft with grossing factor Seed Library Virtual Justice Center Teen Space Black Box Library Skills Center Common Area Site and Civil Work (Ratio of CBO/OC Sq. Ft. = 44/56] Parking (Ratio CBO/OC Spaces= 79/83) Subtotal -Construction Architectural Fees (Ratio of CBO/OC Sq. Ft. = 44/56) Supp. Architectural Fees (Ratio of CBO/OC Sq. Ft. = 44/56) CMAR Fees (Ratio of CBO/OC Sq. Ft. = 44/56) Subtotal -Service Fees Total Construction and Service Fees Carrboro Square Footage Orange County Square Footage Total Square Footage $ Square Feet 15,000 850 200 500 1,200 4,200 15,000 12,600 --49,550 ----49,550 21,950 27,600 49,550 Cost Per Unit $ 315 $ 370 $ 315 $ 315 $ 315 $ 500 $ 315 $ 315 -$ 25,000 -----44% 56% 100% Carrboro Orange County Cost Cost Total Cost $ 4,725,000 $ -$ 4,725,000 314,500 -314,500 63,000 63,000 157,500 -157,500 378,000 -378,000 2,100,000 -2,100,000 -4,725,000 4,725,000 -3,969,000 3,969,000 $ 18,232,000 Estimate fy 21 792,000 1,008,000 1,800,000 $ 21,261,553 3584000 1,975,000 2,075,000 4,050,000 $ 10,505,000 $ 11,777,000 $ 22,282,000 $ 743,290 $ 946,005 $ 1,689,295 249,832 317,968 567,800 $ 2,257,095 568,480 723,520 1,292,000 $ 1,692,821.25 $ 1,561,602 $ 1,987,493 $ 3,549,095 $ 12,066,602 $ 13,764,493 $ 25,831,095 Exhibit C DocuSign Envelope ID: ABDD54BF-241F-4DA3-B43E-EF395826BBFF