Orange County NC Website
Memorandum of Understanding <br /> <br />This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been created and entered into on July 22, <br />2021. <br /> <br />Orange County Housing Authority <br />300 W. Tryon St., Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br /> <br />Orange County Partnership to End Homelessness <br />300 W. Tryon St, Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />I.Introduction and Goals <br />a. The Orange County Housing Authority (hereinafter, the “PHA”) and The <br />Orange County Partnership to End Homelessness (hereinafter, the “CoC”) are <br />commited to administering Emergency Housing Vouchers (hereinafter, the “EHVs”) <br />in accordance with all program requirements. <br />b. The PHA and CoC commit to administer the EHVs in alignment with equity <br />principles and local goals, including racial equity, disability equity, and other local <br />priorities. <br />c. The PHA has the following goals and standards of success in administering the <br />program: <br /> Ensuring that EHVs are distributed proportionally and equitably to reflect the <br />demographics of people experiencing homelessness in Orange County <br /> Ensuring that all recipients possess the knowledge of local resources to reduce <br />the likelihood of returning to homelessness <br /> To ensure that the service fees associated with each voucher are used to 1) <br />support the stability of the participants’ housing to the greatest possible degree, <br />and 2) assure them a dignified living space. <br /> <br />The PHA will be implementing a continuous quality improvement process to make <br />necessary shifts over time. The continuous quality improvement process will include <br />monitoring the distribution of EHVs for equity and will incorporate the voices of persons <br />with lived experience of homelessness. <br />d. The PHA and CoC are committed to equitably serving clients in all of Orange <br />County, NC.. <br />e. The PHA and CoC are committed to collaboratively collecting sufficient data to <br />analyze how and to whom EHVs are allocated, with the ability to analyze for equity and <br />retention of the vouchers over time. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: BBC6C7DC-B013-4978-9F76-89D788E0AA25