Agenda - 11-05-2003-9d4
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-05-2003
Agenda - 11-05-2003-9d4
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<br />CHAPEL HILL PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION <br />ORANGE COUNTY ARTS COMMISSION <br />POTENTIAL TIMELINE FOR PUBLIC ART PROJECTS AT <br />SOUTHERN COMMUNITY PARK <br />AND <br />HOMESTEAD PARK AQUATICS CENTER <br />STEP 1 -Public Art Review Committee determines scope of project - 7 month <br />A Public Art Review Committee (PARC) is assembled to discuss the overall site for the <br />project and options for incorporating public art. The PARC oversees the initial <br />conceptual development and follows the project through each phase of design, review, <br />fabrication, and installation. <br />The PARC is co-chaired by a CHPAC member and an OCAC member and includes: <br />one member of the CHPAC, one member of the OCAC, a representative from the <br />Chapel Hill Town Council, a representative from the Orange County Commissioners, a <br />representative from the prime consultant (architect, landscape architect, and/or <br />engineering firm), the Chapel Hill Town Manager or a designee, the Orange County <br />Manager or a designee, and a representative from the department or agency that will <br />use or be responsible for the overall capital project site. It is advisable to include an arts <br />professional and members of the community who may use the proposed facility and/or <br />the site. <br />The prime consultant(s) will inform the PARC of the overall design and program for the <br />site and engage in discussions to identify public art sites and methods for <br />implementation. <br />In addition to discussing options for incorporating public art at the site and helping to <br />shape the call for artists, the Public Art Review Committee could choose to retain the <br />services of an artist to serve as a Design Consultant for the Project prior to selecting <br />artists(s) to create site-specific works for the Project. <br />STEP 2 - A call for artists is issued and submissions are received - 3 months <br />After the PARC has defined the public art project, a call is issued to artists. Calls to <br />artists are typically issued in one of the following ways: <br />• Request for Proposals (RFP): artists are asked to submit detailed and specific <br />proposals for the site; <br />• Request for Qualifications (RFQ): artists are asked to submit slides and/or examples of <br />their previous work relevant to the project; <br />• Limited Call: specific artists are invited to submit proposals and/or qualifications. <br />
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