Orange County NC Website
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The COUNTY shall distribute part payments received from CITY taxpayers on a proportionate <br /> basis between taxes owed the COUNTY and the CITY, such distribution to be the basis of respective <br /> tax rates , after all interest and penalties are first paid . <br /> 7 . Costs for Billing and Collection. <br /> The COUNTY shall incur all costs for preparing, printing, billing and collections the CITY tax <br /> bills , including follow-up notices . <br /> 8 . Payment to COUNTY . <br /> (a) The fee for collection services shall be equivalent to 0 . 5 % of collections payable within 30 <br /> days of receipt of quarterly billing from the County. <br /> (b ) CITY will pay a yearly support and maintenance cost which will be approved by the Manager <br /> of each jurisdiction no later than November 30th of each year . <br /> (c) Each year the CITY and COUNTY will convene prior to November 15th to review prior year <br /> expenditures and coming year estimates for expenditures in preparing cost projections for <br /> yearly maintenance costs for the next fiscal year. This information will then be brought <br /> forward to each jurisdiction for review . <br /> 9 . Termination, <br /> This Interlocal Agreement may be terminated by either party by providing six (6) months ' <br /> notice prior to the start of the next fiscal year . Upon notice of termination of the Interlocal <br /> Agreement, the COUNTY shall deliver to the CITY all tax records , in a customary electronic data <br /> format, or in whatever form held in its hands , pertaining to its listing, billing, and collecting, <br /> consistency of the tax bills , tax scrolls , and other related records by February 1 of the fiscal year in <br /> which the termination shall be effective . The COUNTY shall continue to collect current and <br /> delinquent taxes through June 30 of the fiscal year in which the termination shall be effective . Upon <br /> termination of the Interlocal Agreement the COUNTY shall provide a full accounting to the CITY of <br /> the status of all tax collections . After June 30 of the fiscal year in which the termination becomes <br /> effective, the COUNTY shall not be further obligated either as to current or delinquent taxes due to <br /> the CITY . <br /> 10 . Entire Agreement , <br /> This Interlocal Agreement, including all exhibits or attachments if any, sets forth the entire <br /> Agreement between the Parties regarding the services and matters set forth herein . All prior <br /> conversations or writings between the Parties hereto or their representatives on this subject matter are <br /> merged within and extinguished . This Interlocal Agreement shall not be modified or amended except by <br /> a written instrument executed by duly authorized representatives of the Parties herein. <br /> 11 . Notice . <br /> Notice under this Interlocal Agreement shall be deemed sufficient upon the mailing to the parties <br /> by certified or registered mail at the following locations : <br /> Orange County City of Mebane <br /> County Manager City Manager <br /> 200 S . Cameron St . 106 E . Washington St <br /> Hillsborough, NC 27278 Mebane, NC 27302 <br />