Agenda - 11-19-2001-8e
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-19-2001
Agenda - 11-19-2001-8e
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9/2/2008 12:02:09 AM
Creation date
8/29/2008 10:35:31 AM
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2001 NS Housing - HOME Program – Property Acquisition
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2001
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and expense, promptly satisfy my judgmen[ advttse to Cowty or to Cowry cad The Town <br />jaimly, end reimburse County for any loss, cost, damage, or expe¢se, mcludivg eaomey fees <br />suffered or incurted by Cowt. <br />9vbmvlracdng. The Towv shall wt subwvtrect work v¢der this contracq in <br />whole or in part, withw[ the Coun[y's yrim written approval. fhe Town shall require any <br />'approved submnbactor to agrs, as to Ne potlio¢ mbcontadcd, to comply with all applicable <br />kderal, stets, cad Iocel Taws. miss, ordi¢ances, and rcgul¢dws ¢[ all Ames cad in she <br />performance of she work and to comply with sll applicable obhgatiorts of "fhe Town epecifed in <br />lids contract. Notwithemnding Connry~ s approval of a suFcnntractuq The Town sFull remain <br />obligamd for PoII performance of this contract and Cowry shall in o obligation to any <br />subcon¢eotor The Towv shall ilydevmiry, defend, vnd hold County harmless from all claims of <br />its covtrac4trs. <br />j N¢ Join[ Venture nr Aganoy. The Cowry and The Town each agree end <br />acknowledge that mthwg contained Irercin or athmvisc, indvding, without limitatiw, any vet of <br />the CWVry oc The Town under this Agreement shall ha deemed or construed m create avy <br />relationeNp ofjoint vmttae, parmeahip or agmay beMem the genies. <br />k Effect of Waiver or Forbeara¢ce. No failure by the County to insist upon the <br />shic[port ten of any term nr condition nftM1ia Agree orwexeroise any rigFt or remedy <br />upou the broach by The Tovm of avy o£ its obligations, eagroemrnts, or covevavte hereunder, <br />shall be a waiver of sucM1 affected term or eondibon or oY mcF hrmct5 nm shall any Porbeamnm <br />by We Cowty to seek a remedy for any breach by The Town be a waiver by the Count' of its <br />rights and remedies with a pact to that orwy other bmah. <br />1 Governing 'This Agreement shall be construed i¢ accordance wiN cad <br />gnvemed by the Uws of Ne State of SorW CaroWta. Any htigadon arcing out ul'~his <br />Agceunmt shell ba brought Iv cones sitting w NoM Geolira, with vevue N Orange Coonty. <br />Sevvrability. The provisions ofthis Agreement are independent of vnd separable <br />fiom eaoF oihm, and ¢o provision ahaR be allectad orxevdvred invalid or wmfivemble by We <br />fact that far any reaann any other provision maybe invalid or unenforceable iv whole or iv part. <br />ff any paovisim of [lils Agmcmcvt or the application thereof to any Derson or eircumstarwes <br />shall, to any extant be or bewm valid or unmfpTCmble, tFe re cinder of fiis Agee mq or <br />the appGaadon of each provision to persons or oimwtsmnms other than those as to which i[ is <br />Feld invalid o unenforceable, shall not ba alketted thereby, cad each provision oC this <br />Agrocmcm shell be valitl vntl be enforced m the fallen cztwt peurutted by law. The scanty avd <br />The Town agree m aubatituue for ouch provision of [M1i.c Agreement nr tFe application thereof <br />daormived to ba invalid err uvrn(ammbte, such othaprovisiov ee most elosGy appeonlmates, m <br />a IawPol mvmer, suuF invalid illegal or unmforcmhle pmv¢ion_ If Ne County and TM1e Town <br />oowot agree, they sM1all apply m n coos of competent jurisdiction to svbsdhtle such prov6lop as <br />the court dcoros ro ovable end juditially valid, legal and enibrceabla. Such provison <br />determimd by the court shall automatically be deemed pan of this Agreement ah initiq. <br />
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