Orange County NC Website
d. No[ices. Any Notice shell be in writing and shall be given by depusiling the same <br />m the I1v11ed 9tatas moil, past-paid end registered or ecaified, msd addressed to the party m be <br />notified, with celwn-«aipr mqucstcd, or by delivering We saw m pcrsbn to m officer or <br />principal of suW Oatty. Nonce deposited iv Wa mail in the warmer here in above deuribwl shall <br />be effective upon muihvg, Por pumosee of Nofioe, the ad~tresses of the paNw shall, unless <br />ed~enged as heminaRa provided, be as knows: <br />I. To the COmty: Orange County <br />c/n Houeivg and Commm~ity Development <br />Dapertmcn[ <br />P.O. BOx 81gl <br />Hillsborough, VC 2Yt]8 <br />AITN: D¢eclor <br />ii. To The'COwn. The Town, Inc <br />Ipp x. amnam street <br />(kayel Hill, NC 2]516 <br />ATTN: F.xeculivc Duwror <br />P'thn Ibe Coanty or Tlw Town may change We pcraon or address to which avy future Noliw <br />shall be given as herein provided. <br />c. Na AssiRVment. No mauske or flesigmnent of the interest of The Town in this <br />Ageemmt sMll occur without the prior wrinen consent of the Coovry, neidrer may The Tawn <br />asslpp thls Agreement witbvm Itepdor writtw consenr of County. <br />ConNet of Interem. The Tuwn agrccsio abide by the Provisions of 34 CPIt <br />590.611 with reseal m oonfliote oP inoaresq end aovanams ibal it preacndy hee no 5nvndal <br />Inmmst mW shall argnire nny financial interest, d'vaet or kdireet, that wanld conflict in my <br />ewer or degme with the performance of services required under this Agreement. The Town <br />Porther covwanis tMt m performance of this Agreement no pe[sa~ havivB sucF a financial <br />interest shell be employed w mtatmd by the Tawn heremdcr. These conFlicis of wterest <br />provisions apply M any person who is en employee, egenq consultant, or elected oPfcial or <br />appoiv¢d nffidal of We Cmmty, or any designamd Public xgevcica or eubreeipiusa dmt are <br />rweivivg foods under the HOVIH IDvesnnent PaMCrship Program. <br />g. Binding BBaI. This Agreement shell be binding upon and shall inure W the <br />beneft vlthe patties hweto end throe respective successors erW assigns. <br />h IndemnNeation. To the exhvt legally Passible, The Tovm shall indewdfy and <br />hold Cowry, its officers, agents, nod employws, harmless from and against nny and all claims, <br />actions, Iieblftles, cvsls, iveludlvg attorney kes entl other wsb of defense, arising out of yr k <br />avy way related to avy act or faikre m ad by TI¢ Town, Its employees, egantu nlYwte, end <br />ontracmrs m connection wilt this cenmvci. A ke event any sect action or olai~n is bmagM <br />vgaivst County, The Tawn shell, neon Convty's rondo, dckvd the same nt The Town's sole wst <br />