Orange County NC Website
IN W1'INESB WHEREOP, the parliea hemtq intentlmg m be legally bovvd, have scl lhev hands <br />and scale on the day and year first above wtltlen <br />(SEAL) <br />COUNTY OF ORANGE, VORI'H CAROLINA <br />loM M. Link, Jc, Comty Manager <br />ATTF.1T: <br />Bevn1Y A. Blythe <br />CAark to the Boats ofCommissioners <br />.4ppmvcd es to form and Icgahry <br />Geoffrey Gledhill, County Attorney <br />1Tis tlocumen[ has been preaodited iu aooordauce with the N.O Local Government and Piscel <br />Conh01 A0t. <br />,Kenneth Chevimle, PImnOC Direclar <br />NORTH CAROL-VA <br />ORANGP. COUNTY <br />This u to cerdty IEat un tM1is dnY Pusarmlly came before m0 Bevedy A. Blythe, with <br />whom I am personally aogneinted, and being by me duly sworn, says that ]olm M. Link, ]r. is 1M1n <br />Couovy Mareget of Orv~ge County, NQ and thnt she tho said eevetly A. Blythq is the Clerk to <br />the Board eE Commissiovm of the Cowty of Omogq tM1e hotly politic and corporate named <br />wilLiv avd which oxeWled Me tdregoivg Ivstnnnevq that she knows the common seal of eeid <br />County; that tM1e seal affixed b said inshvment is said wmmun seal; that the vemc of Orwge <br />County was subscribed Wereto by the said Ceunty Nmvagcr of Orange Cowry, NC and said <br />Beverly A. Bly[M1e subscribed Neir uatnes heave and snitl commov seal was affixed, all by order <br />oPthe Beazd oPCwmy Commissioners of Ornge Cowry cud that said instrument is the eat avd <br />deed ofOrange Covnry. <br />Witness my hantl and no[enol6eal, due the dvy of _20 <br />Nntary Public <br />My wmTUSSieu ezpirce: <br />