Agenda - 11-19-2001-8e
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 11-19-2001
Agenda - 11-19-2001-8e
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Last modified
9/2/2008 12:02:09 AM
Creation date
8/29/2008 10:35:31 AM
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Agenda Item
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2001 NS Housing - HOME Program – Property Acquisition
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2001
Minutes - 20011119
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2001
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IIqual Opparturdty. The Toam shall not discrhnimte against my employee or <br />applicant for employment because o£ rocs, coloq rehgieq se national origin, Political <br />aRilintian or helief, egn. bavd3oap, or 1'amlllal s~elus m the implomentation aPthle Projnta. <br />o Heatlinga. Ileadingsare far comenimce only end shall not be used to interpret or <br />constmeik provision <br />p. C nder Singular and Plural. As used herein, [he neuter gender includes the <br />femirwe and masculine. The masculine iuludw the fcmim wd veulnq and the fcminiue <br />includes We mavcallne and neater avd each Ivclades a corpv etioq permership ar o[M1er legal <br />¢atlty WhCll tltC COnIOXt 60 IBQ111I0S The 9inglllar RIImbBC Inc1ud06ihB p1am1 aR(1 VI00 VBIW, <br />Wnenenerfte aaakxtan regWrea. <br />q. Recording. The parties Ferem agree that upon notice to the other and at its awn <br />ost and expense, a party racy record thu Agccmcvt in the Office of Register of Dccds far <br />orange County. <br />Complianec with l.ews. To [he extent applicable, each party herck agrees to <br /><omplyrwitb all laws, ordinances and regulations affecting the Property from end after the date <br />hueoP. Without limifivg the genemliry oPihe foregoing, Tha Towv shall comply with all <br />federal, stale and local laws, regulatious and ordinances applicable w the expenditure of funds <br />providrA by the County, m purchase end develop iba Property. <br />Publiuty; gigvage. The Town agrees to provide such publicity with respem k <br />the Camty's partiaipahon 3n the dwelopmevt of the Pmpmg v Iha Conroy shall reaeovabty <br />regain. Any signege at Ne Proporry shall eolmowladge the County's wla and conmbution. <br />t Counterparts. Tlhs ngrea ens may be czceuted in ouor more cowurnarts, <br />web oPwbich shill be dwmed an original hot ¢II e£whicF kgelher shell canedtme av and the <br />6mnE lnsnYOCR[. <br />No 'Ih'trd Pally Rfghta. The parties torero covevam avd apse that nothing <br />omaincd in this Apeemmt os any aclby the Caovty or The Tawn shall be daemed or eonsirtaed <br />by the parties or any third patty to create any eelationslup of third parry bmefciary, including <br />tltird parry Principal or agent, or to creek any right, claim ar cause of action ageias[ [he Cowry, <br />The Tovmac my of Ihch mepcGivc officcm, agents ar mtpleyees by any tltird party. <br />'Performance of Covemraevt FUnc[iovs. Notwithstanding anyhing in this <br />Agreement which may be to the cvntmry, mthing contained in this Agreement shall in any way <br />stop, limit or impair the Cowty Gam ~acising or petfomdvg any r<gulamry, Ooliclvg m <br />govammmtal powers ar functions with respnG W the Property inclodin& witlroat limitation, <br />InsDeodov of We Property in fie perforrnavoe of such Positions. <br />
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