Orange County NC Website
<br /> <br /> Page 36 of 48 <br />i) Ensuring that a care manager is assigned to manage the transition <br />ii) Facilitating clinical handoffs; <br />iii) Obtaining a copy of the discharge plan/summary; <br />iv) Conducting medication reconciliation; <br />v) Following-up by the assigned care manager rapidly following discharge; <br />vi) Ensuring that a follow-up outpatient, home visit or face to face encounter occurs; <br />and <br />vii) Developing a protocol for determining the appropriate timing and format of such <br />outreach. <br /> <br />15.13.5. Tier 3 AMH practices must use electronic data to promote care management. <br /> <br />(a) The Tier 3 AMH practice must receive claims data feeds (directly or via a CIN) and meet <br />state-designated security standards for their storage and use. <br /> <br />16. Care Management for High-Risk Pregnancy. To the extent Participating Provider is a Local Health <br />Department (“LHD”) offering care management for high-risk pregnancy, this Section applies. Care Management for <br />High-Risk Pregnancy refers to care management services provided to a subset of high -risk pregnant women by LHDs <br />(Section VII, M(4)). <br /> <br />16.1 General Contracting Requirement. Participating Provider shall accept referrals from WellCare for <br />Care Management for High-Risk Pregnancy Services. Participating Provider shall comply with the requirements NC <br />DHHS’ Care Management for High-Risk Pregnancy Policy. <br /> <br />16.2 Care Management for High-Risk Pregnancy: Outreach. Participating Provider shall refer potentially <br />Medicaid-eligible pregnant women for prenatal care and Medicaid eligibility determination, including promoting the <br />use of presumptive eligibility determination and other strategies to facilitate early access to Medicaid coverage during <br />pregnancy. Participating Provider shall contact patients identified as having a priority risk factor through claims data <br />(Emergency Department utilization, antepartum hospitalization, utilization of Labor & Delivery triage unit) for <br />referral to prenatal care and to engage in care management. <br /> <br />16.3 Care Management for High-Risk Pregnancy: Population Identification and Engagement. <br />Participating Provider shall review and enter all pregnancy risk screenings received from Pregnancy Ma nagement <br />Program providers covered by the pregnancy care managers into the designated care management documentation <br />system within five (5) calendar days of receipt of risk screening forms. Participating Provider shall utilize risk <br />screening data, patient self-report information and provider referrals to develop strategies to meet the needs of those <br />patients at highest risk for poor pregnancy outcome. Participating Provider shall accept pregnancy care management <br />referrals from non-Pregnancy Management Program prenatal care providers, community referral sources (such as <br />Department of Social Services or WIC programs), patient self-referral, and provide appropriate assessment and follow <br />up to those patients based on the level of need. Participating Provider shall review available WellCare data reports <br />identifying additional pregnancy risk status data, including regular, routine use of the Obstetric Admission, Discharge <br />and Transfer (OB ADT) report, to the extent the OB ADT report remains available to Participa ting Provider. <br />Participating Provider shall collaborate with out-of-county Pregnancy Management Program providers and Care <br />Management for High-Risk Pregnancy teams to facilitate cross-county partnerships to ensure coordination of care <br />and appropriate care management assessment and services for all patients in the target population. <br /> <br />16.4 Care Management for High-Risk Pregnancy: Assessment and Risk Stratification. Participating <br />Provider shall conduct a prompt, thorough assessment by review of claims history and medical record, patient <br />interview, case review with prenatal care provider and other methods, on all patients with one or more priority risk <br />factors on pregnancy risk screenings and all patients directly referred for care management for level of need for care <br />management support. Participating Provider shall utilize assessment findings, including those conducted by <br />WellCare to determine level of need for care management support. Participating Provider shall document assessment <br />findings in the care management documentation system. Participating Provider shall ensure that assessment <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 2EC1F0FD-FAF9-4B42-B52E-D419F55A6210