2021-350-EMS-E-WellCare Health Plans of NC Inc-Medicaid managed care
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2021-350-EMS-E-WellCare Health Plans of NC Inc-Medicaid managed care
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7/20/2021 11:32:10 AM
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7/20/2021 11:31:26 AM
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<br /> <br /> Page 28 of 48 <br />6.2 Termination. The Agreement sets forth the basis for termination of the Agreement by either party <br />and the related notice requirements. Notwithstanding anything in the Agreement or this Attachment to the contrary, <br />WellCare may immediately terminate the Agreement or this Attachment and a Participating Provider’s participation <br />thereunder upon: (1) a confirmed finding of fraud, waste or abuse by the NC DHHS or the North Carolina Department <br />of Justice Medicaid Investigations Division, or (2) failure of the Part icipating Provider to maintain enrollment as a <br />Medicaid provider. (Sections VII, G(1)(d) and G(1)(f)(i)). <br /> <br />6.3 Insolvency. If the Agreement or this Attachment terminates as a result of WellCare’s or Payor’s <br />insolvency, Participating Provider will cooperate in the transition of administrative duties and records and ensure the <br />continuation of care when inpatient care is on-going in accordance with the requirements of the Agreement, this <br />Attachment and the State Contract. If WellCare or Payor provides for or arranges for the delivery of health care <br />services on a prepaid basis, Participating Provider will continue inpatient care until the patient is ready for discharge. <br />(Section VII, G(1)(e)). <br /> <br />7. Covered Person Services. <br /> <br />7.1 Covered Person Billing. Participating Provider shall not bill any Medicaid Managed Care Covered <br />Person for Covered Services, except for specified coinsurance, copayments, and applicable deductibles. Participating <br />Provider is responsible for collecting applicable deductibles, copayments, coinsurance and fees for non-Covered <br />Services. This provision does not prohibit a Participating Provider and Covered Person from agreeing to continue <br />non-Covered Services at the Covered Person’s own expense, as long as the Participating Provider has notified the <br />Covered Person in advance that a Payor may not cover or continue to cover specific services and the Covered Person <br />to receive the services (Section VII, G(1)(h)). <br /> <br />7.2 Provider Accessibility. Participating Provider shall provide call coverage or other back-up to provide <br />service in accordance with WellCare’s standards for provider accessibility addressed set forth herein, in the Provider <br />Manual and/or in the State Contract. (Section VII, G(1)(i)). Participating Provider agrees to meet the NC DHHS <br />standards for timely access to care and services, taking into account the urgency of need for services. (Section V, <br />D(1)(d)(ii)). Participating Provider shall provide physical access, reasonable accommod ations, including parking, <br />exam and waiting rooms, and accessible equipment for Medicaid Covered Persons with physical or mental <br />disabilities. (Section V, (1)(d)(vi)). <br /> <br />7.3 Eligibility Verification. WellCare or Payor shall provide a mechanism that allows Participating <br />Provider to verify Covered Person eligibility, based on current information held by WellCare or Payor, as applicable, <br />before rendering Covered Services. (Section VII, G(1)(j)). <br /> <br />7.4 Covered Person Appeals and Grievances. Participating Provider shall cooperate with Covered <br />Person in regard to Covered Person appeals and grievance procedures. (Section VII, G(1)(l)). Participating Provider <br />has the right to file a grievance or appeal. WellCare’s internal appeal processes must be completed before seeking <br />other legal or administrative remedies under state or federal law. (Section V, D(2)(c)(xi)). <br /> <br />7.5 Appointment Wait Times. Participating Provider shall cooperate with WellCare to ensure that <br />appointment wait times for Covered Persons do not exceed the requirements set forth below, to the extent applicable. <br />(Section VII, F. Table 3). <br /> <br />(a) If Participating Provider is a PCP providing preventative care services, appointment wait <br />time shall not exceed thirty (30) calendar days for adults (21 years of age and older) and children ages six (6) months <br />to twenty (20) years of age, and fourteen (14) calendar days for children less than six (6) months of age. <br /> <br />(b) If Participating Provider is a PCP providing urgent care services, appointment wait time shall <br />not exceed twenty-four (24) hours. <br /> <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 2EC1F0FD-FAF9-4B42-B52E-D419F55A6210
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