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<br /> <br /> Page 26 of 48 <br /> <br />Attachment A: Medicaid <br /> <br />SCHEDULE A <br />GOVERNMENTAL PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS <br /> <br />This Schedule sets forth the special provisions that are specific to the North Carolina Medicaid Product under <br />the State Contract. <br /> <br />1. Compliance. <br /> <br />1.1 Compliance with State and Federal Laws. Participating Provider understands and agrees that it, he <br />or she is subject to all state and federal laws, rules, regulations, waivers, policies and guidelines, and court-ordered <br />consent decrees, settlement agreements, or other court orders that apply to the Agreement and State Contract, and all <br />persons or entities receiving state and federal funds. Participating Provider understands and agrees that any violation <br />by a provider of a state or federal law relating to the delivery of services pursuant to this Agreement, or any violation <br />of the State Contract could result in liability for money damages, and/or civil or crimina l penalties and sanctions <br />under state and/or federal law. (Section VII, Section G(3)(a)). <br /> <br />1.2 Department Authority Related to the Medicaid Program. Participating Provider agrees and <br />understands that in the State of North Carolina, the Department of Health and Human Services (“NC DHHS”) is the <br />single state Medicaid agency designated under 42 C.F.R. § 431.10 to administer or supervise the administration of <br />the state plan for medical assistance. The Division of Health Benefits is designated with administration, provision, <br />and payment for medical assistance under the Federal Medicaid (Title XIX) and the State Children’s Health Insurance <br />(Title XXI) (CHIP) programs. The Division of Social Services (DSS) is designated with the administration and <br />determination of eligibility for the two programs. (Section VII, G(3)(e)). <br /> <br />1.3 Credentialing. Each Participating Provider shall be enrolled as a Medicaid provider as required by <br />45 C.F.R. § 455.410 and maintain enrollment for the term of the Agreement. Participating Provider shall maintain <br />licensure, accreditation, and credentials sufficient to meet WellCare’s network participation requirements, as outlined <br />in WellCare’s Provider Manual and its Credentialing and Re-credentialing Policy. Participating Provider shall notify <br />WellCare of changes in the status of any information relating to Participating Provider’s professional credentials. <br />Participating Provider shall complete reenrollment or re-credentialing before renewal of the Agreement as set forth <br />below: <br /> <br />(a) during the provider credentialing transition period, no less frequently than every five (5) <br />years; and <br /> <br />(b) during the provider credentialing under full implementation, no less frequently than every <br />three (3) years, except as otherwise permitted by the NC DHHS. (Section VII, G(1)(f)) <br /> <br />1.4 Liability Insurance. Participating Provider shall maintain professional liability insurance coverage <br />in an amount acceptable to WellCare. Participating Provider shall notify WellCare of subsequent changes in the <br />status of Participating Provider’s professional liability insurance on a timely basis. (Section VII, G(1)(g)). <br /> <br />1.5 Utilization Management. Participating Provider shall comply with WellCare’s utilization <br />management programs, quality management programs, and provider sanction programs, except to the extent that any <br />of these programs conflict with Participating Provider’s professional or ethical responsibility or interfere with <br />Participating Provider’s ability to provide information or assistance to patients. WellCare utilizes only NC Medicaid’s <br />Clinical Coverage Policies for utilization management/clinical guidelines and other NC DHHS-approved utilization <br />management/clinical guidelines. (Section VII, G(1)(o)). <br /> <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 2EC1F0FD-FAF9-4B42-B52E-D419F55A6210