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<br /> <br /> Page 25 of 48 <br />to Covered Persons enrolled in or covered by a Medicaid Product. To the extent Provider or any Contracted Provider <br />is unclear about its, his or her respective duties and obligations, Provider or the applicable Contracted Provider shall <br />request clarification from WellCare. To the extent any provision of this Agreement (including any exhibit, <br />attachment, or other document referenced herein) is inconsistent with or contrary to any provision of the State <br />Contract, the relevant provision of the State Contract shall have priority and control over the matter. <br /> <br />3. Term. This Product Attachment will become effective as of the Effective Date, and will be <br />coterminous with the Agreement unless a Party terminates the participation of the Contracted Provider in this Product <br />in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Agreement or this Product Attachment. <br /> <br />4. Governmental Program Requirements. Schedule A to this Product Attachment, which is <br />incorporated herein by this reference, sets forth the provisions that are required by the applicable State Contract to be <br />included in the Agreement with respect to the Medicaid Product. Any additional requirements that may apply to the <br />Coverage Agreements or Covered Persons enrolled in or covered by this Product may be set forth in the Provider <br />Manual or another Attachment and are incorporated herein by this reference. <br /> <br />5. Other Terms and Conditions. Except as modified or supplemented by this Product Attachment, the <br />compensation hereunder for the provision of Covered Services by Contracted Providers to Covered Persons enrolled <br />in or covered by the Medicaid Product is subject to all of the other provisions in the Agreement (including the Provider <br />Manual) that affect or relate to compensation for Covered Services provided to Covered Persons. <br /> <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 2EC1F0FD-FAF9-4B42-B52E-D419F55A6210