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<br /> <br /> Page 24 of 48 <br />Statutes of North Carolina or is owned or operated by the State of North Carolina in which health care services are <br />provided to patients. <br /> <br />1.6. “Medicaid Product” refers to those programs and health benefit arrangements offered by <br />WellCare or other Company pursuant to a State Contract. The Medicaid Product does not apply to any Coverage <br />Agreements that are specifically covered by another Product Attachment to the Agreement. <br /> <br />1.7. “Medically Necessary Service” or “Medically Necessary” means those Covered Services <br />that are within general accepted standards of medical care in the State community, as verified by independents <br />Medicaid Consultants, and not experimental in nature. <br /> <br />1.8. “Objective Quality Standards” means the objective standards for quality determinations <br />identified by WellCare that assess a provider’s ability to deliver care; include specific defined thresholds for adverse <br />quality determinations; meet standards established by the National Committee on Quality Assurance (NCQA); and <br />are not discriminatory. <br /> <br />1.9. “Primary Care Provider” or “PCP” means the participating physician, physician extender <br />(e.g. physician assistant, nurse practitioner, certified nurse midwife) or group practice/center selected by or assigned <br />to the Covered Person to provide and coordinate the Covered Person’s health care needs and to initiate and monitor <br />referrals for specialized services when required. Includes family practitioners, pediatricians, obstetricians, and <br />internal medicine physicians. <br /> <br />1.10. “State” means North Carolina. <br /> <br />1.11. “State Contract” means a contract between WellCare or other Company and one or more <br />state Medicaid agency(ies), or any successors thereto, to provide specified services and goods to covered beneficiaries <br />under state Medicaid-funded program(s) and to meet certain performance standards while doing so. <br /> <br />2. Medicaid Product. <br /> <br />2.1. Medicaid and/or CHIP Product. This Product Attachment constitutes the “Medicaid Product <br />Attachment” and is incorporated into the Agreement between Provider and WellCare. It supplements the Agreement <br />by setting forth specific terms and conditions that apply to the Medicaid Product with respect to which a Participating <br />Provider has agreed to participate, and with which a Participating Provider must comply in order to maintain such <br />participation. This Attachment applies only to the provision of health care services, supplies or accommodations <br />(including Covered Services) to Covered Persons enrolled in the Medicaid Product. <br /> <br />2.2. Participation. Except as otherwise provided in this Product Attachment or the Agreement, <br />Provider and all Contracted Providers under the Agreement will participate as Participating Providers in the Medicaid <br />Product and will provide to Covered Persons enrolled in the Medicaid Product, upon the same terms and conditions <br />contained in the Agreement, as supplemented or modified by this Product Attachment, those Covered Services that <br />are provided by Contracted Providers pursuant to the Agreement. In providing such services, Provider shall, and <br />shall cause Contracted Providers to, comply with and abide by the provisions of this Product Attachment and the <br />Agreement (including the Provider Manual). <br /> <br />2.3. Attachment. This Attachment constitutes the Product Attachment and Compensation <br />Schedule for the Medicaid Product. <br /> <br />2.4. Construction. This Product Attachment supplements and forms a part of the Agreement. <br />Except as otherwise provided herein or in the terms of the Agreement, the terms and conditions of the Agreement <br />will remain unchanged and in full force and effect as a result of this Product Attachment. In the event of a conflict <br />between the provisions of the Agreement and the provisions of this Product Attachment, this Product Attachment <br />will govern with respect to health care services, supplies or accommodations (including Covered Services) rendered <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 2EC1F0FD-FAF9-4B42-B52E-D419F55A6210