Orange County NC Website
09/10/2020Date: <br />To: <br />From:Underwriting Department, AMS <br />Voices Together (35634) <br />Re:Please review your renewal policies <br />IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR RENEWAL POLICY <br />Thank you for renewing your policy with Alliance of Nonprofits for Insurance - Risk <br />Retention Group, a member of the Nonprofits Insurance Alliance Group. <br />Because your policy met our eligibility criteria, your broker elected to have your policy <br />automatically renewed. That means the policy was renewed with the same coverages, <br />limits, and locations as the expiring policy. <br />Please confirm your policy is accurate. It is especially important to consider any changes <br />since your last policy renewal. This could include buying or selling property, hiring <br />employees for the first time, buying or selling vehicles, changes in location, and adding or <br />changing programs or operations. If you have questions or need to make corrections to <br />your policy, please contact your insurance broker. <br />We offer many coverages specifically designed for the nonprofit sector. If you feel you <br />may not be adequately covered or simply would like to learn more about our coverages, <br />please talk to your insurance broker or visit our website at <br /> <br />Thank you. <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: 81A61471-345A-47F9-8A2D-36F7929A6637