Orange County NC Website
RESOLllTION CERTIFYING AN1) APPROVING RESULTS OF <br />BOND REFERENDA FOR ORANGE COUNTY <br />WHEREAS, the Orange County Roard of Elections has certified the <br />following results of the bond referenda held in and for Orange CounTy on <br />November 6, 2001, ae follows: <br />On the question, "Shall fhe order authorizing up m $47,000,000 of Orange <br />Cowry general obligation bonds to pay capital costs of providing school facilities <br />and paying related costs, as adopted by the County's Board of Commissioners on <br />September 4, 2001, be approved?" <br />YES 11,868 <br />NO 8,179 <br />On the question, "Shall the order authorizing up to $20,000,000 of <br />Orange County general obligation bonds to pay capital costs of providng parks, <br />open space and recreational facilities and paying related costs, as adopted by the <br />County's Board of Commssioners on September 4, 2001, be approved7" <br />YES 10,915 <br />NO 8,988 <br />On the queslioq "Shall the order authorizing up to $4,000,000 of <br />lhange County general obligation bonds to pay capital costs of providing senior <br />centers and paying related costa, as adopted by the County's Board of <br />Commissioners on September 4, 2001, be approved" <br />YE.4 10,762 <br />NO 9,080 <br />BoadBCSUhsResAtt1119 <br />