Orange County NC Website
Purpose: Schools are an essential public facility. However, they do pose certain <br />impacts, most notably traffic. Addressing them as a special use will make it <br />possible to more effectively mitigate impacts. <br />2. Telecommunication Towers: Amend Article 6.18 (Telecommunication <br />Towers and Equipment) and Article 8.8.17a (Telecommunication Towers) to <br />require: <br />a. At the annual telecommunications projection meeting that the initial <br />propagation studies begin with co-locations on existing structures. <br />b. Photo simulations to be submitted at time of application. <br />c. Balloon photos to be filed at time of application. <br />d. Deposit of $1,000.00 at pre-application meeting to cover fees incurred <br />by consultant prior to formal application submittal; allow reduction of <br />deposited fee by same amount. <br />e. Propagation studies, to scale, of entire network. <br />f. Revise the intent, scope, and use of the Master Telecommunications <br />Plan (MTP) to: <br />1) Create a planning tool for information purposes <br />2) Set a hierarchy of preferred locations <br />g. Other minor changes to improve process and clarity. <br />Purpose: During review of four Telecommunications Tower applications under <br />the recently adopted amendments, a few minor inconsistencies have became <br />apparent to applicants, the staff, the consultant and attorneys, These minor <br />amendments are intended to clarify those inconsistencies to provide a better <br />understanding of the various aspects of the review process, Also included in <br />these amendments is a revision of the intent, scope and use of the Master <br />Telecommunications Plan (MTP) concept which was adopted as a placeholder in <br />the ordinance pending future BOCC review and approval, <br />D. TEXT AMENDMENTS TO THE ORANGE COUNTY SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS <br />Amend section IV-B-3. Streets, to consider requiring bicycle facilities, <br />sidewalks, and common access points concurrent with development <br />projects that abut or adjoin roadways with approved access management <br />plans. <br />Purpose: To more effectively address the transportation impacts of development <br />projects. <br />2. Amend section V-D-6. Certificates and Endorsements to Appear on Final <br />Plat <br />Purpose: To update certifications that are outdated, to add an endorsement for <br />the Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance, and to add statements for <br />water and sewer endorsements; also minor changes related to process and <br />procedure, <br />